EP 202: Spiritual Abuse Pt 1
This episode will dive into the complexities and deep effects of Spiritual abuse.
And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. Romans 16:17
What is Spiritual Abuse?
- Definitions:
- Spiritual Abuse- “The mistreatment of a person who is in need of help, support or greater spiritual empowerment, with the result of weakening, undermining or decreasing that person’s spiritual empowerment.”- The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse
- Christina’s spiritual abuse journey….
- Tiayrra’s spiritual abuse journey…..
Signs of Spiritual Abuse
- One Emotion Churches (Only allowed to show one emotion of “happy” or rejoicing (1 Thess 5:16), any other emotion is shamed/looked down on
- Can’t challenge leadership. (If you do, you're ultimately disobeying God. In theory they tell you to challenge them, but in practice they get defensive)
- Giving your leftovers to the Lord
- Everything is Spiritual (If you suffer with anxiety or mental disorders, then you are shamed for not “trusting God” ) / False promises- Come to Jesus and all your addictions will go away
- Connection to God- Can only connect thru prayer, devotion, going to church. What if someone connects thru music, nature, art?
- Legalism- Controlling (Church must approve who you date, what jobs you take, if you move, etc (Extreme case)
Recommendation Book/LinksThe Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse:
Book: https://bibleandbookcenter.com/read/the-subtle-power-of-spiritual-abuse/
Spiritual Abuse Lecture by Tim Fletcher:
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PU8c-fzNwo
Toxic Faith by Dr. Stephen Arterburn:
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siE2JKPNX_4
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Faith-Stephen-Arterburn/dp/0877888256