Meet Maryann Reid, 7-time award-winning author published by St.
Martin’s Press. She is the founder of Alphanista, a peer mentoring
platform for multicultural women. She works with women who struggle
with identifying concrete gaps they have to reach the next level
and would like to get there with ease.
Maryann worked in Abu Dhabi and inspired a new group of women in the
States to expand their global outlook beyond where they live. As an
author and teacher, Maryann has gathered a diverse roster of
credentials and affiliations.
She has been featured in USA Today, Essence, Glamour, The CBS Early
Show, Wendy Williams and The New Yorker. She has advanced degrees
from Fordham University and the University of Miami.
• "See people for exactly who they are."
• "...good fences make good neighbors. Boundaries are important."
• ‘…know the difference between power and force.."
• "...keep track of prayers and answered prayers."
• "...if there is something lacking in our life, it is because we have dishonored that thing at some point in our life.’
Maryann's links:
Find her latest read ‘The Professional Wife’ here on Amazon:
Listen to her podcast: The Alphanista Experience:
Instagram: @alphanistaofficial
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