“PISCES MOON PHASES: Retrogrades & Eclipse” presented by Talk Cosmos Kaleidoscope Visions.
“From stem to stern March wallops strong transits in-between the moon phases, starting March 1 with Venus apparent retrograde just after the four lunar phases begin Feb 27, 2025, with the 9°40’ Pisces New Moon. Mar 6 will be the 1st Quarter at 16°21’ Gemini. Then the first eclipse of this new Pises/Virgo Lunar cycle will be the total Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on Mar 13/14 at 23°56’ Virgo,” said Sue Minahan, founder, and host of the weekly show. “However, before the last quarter moon, celebrates the Spring Equinox on March 20 when the sun enters 0° Aries. Following on March 22, the 2° retrograde Aries Venus Star Point courageously connects new starts with heart connected action. Only five hours afterwards on March 22 will be the 3rd Quarter Moon at cardinal 2°05’ Capricorn. This potent season continues next month with the solar eclipse.
Understanding the lunar cycle impacts one’s foundation, emotions, and emotional story. Transiting two and a half days through a Zodiac sign, it travels 12-13 degrees daily, it constantly adjusts making aspects to other planets. Join Sue Rose Minahan of Kailua-Kona, Hawai’i with Kaleidoscope Visions panel members, Amanda Pierce, and John Chinworth of Seattle. Bios below and on Talk Cosmos website for Season 8.
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JOHN CHINWORTH: Consultant, Conference Lecturer, Writer/Poet. Diploma from the International Academy of Astrology (IAA) in 2021. More than two decades of experience. https://www.skypathastro.com/ email: ... @gmail.com Lectured at NORWAC, and SFAS | Obsessed with mythology & branded the Greco-Roman pantheon into his psyche | Past board member of WSAA |Teaches and mentors developmentally disabled and resource students for many years | Pens poems and does road trips around Washington. https://www.skypathastro.com
AMANDA PIERCE: blends her eclectic style of astrology and energy magic around a soul-centered approach to life and healing. With a B.A. in Psychology, Astrology and Energy Work Consultation | Meditation | Writing & Editing. Empowerment-based Meditation: teaching in-person 4-week series classes. Amandamoonastrology @gmail.com Past WSAA Board Member | UAC 2018 Volunteer Coordinator.
SUE ‘ROSE’ MINAHAN: Evolutionary Astrologer and studying Vibrational Astrology, Consultant, Workshops, Speaker, Writer, mythologist. Dwarf Planet Astrology graduate; Kepler Astrology Toastmaster Charter Member; Associate of Fine Arts Music Degree, & a Certificate of Fine Arts in Jazz, artist, musician. Founder of Talk Cosmos engaging weekly delivering with panel teams and guests, insightful conversations to awaken heart and soul-growth consciousness. 8th season 2025. https://www.talkcosmos.com/
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