Do you consider yourself to be a lifelong learner? How do you leverage that learning to benefit yourself, your family, and your community?
Dr. Michael Levittan is an accomplished and recognized expert on domestic violence, anger management, child abuse, trauma, PTSD, and suicide. He is a licensed psychotherapist, director of T.E.A.M. - a state-certified batterers’ treatment program, serves as an Expert Witness in court, teaches seminars and courses at UCLA Extension, National Alliance on Mental Illness, International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma, L.A. Superior Court, Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse and Neglect, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, U.S. Marines, Women’s Shelters, etc.
Dr. Levittan's media work as an expert includes the Tyra Banks Show, ABC-TV News, Starting Over, Bad Girls Club, Montel Williams, Robert Irvine Show,, Hollywood 411, and radio, on-line, and print publications. He has contributed a chapter to the International Handbook on Interpersonal Violence, "The History of Infanticide;" a chapter in Violence in Our Society; and a chapter on Domestic Violence in “Her Story, His Story.”
Dr. Levittan appears in the newly-released documentary on parenting, "The Golden Opportunity of Child Development." He also recently completed the soon-to-be-published “Essentials of Anger Management.” Dr. Levittan is currently appearing as a Relationship Expert on the “Frangela” TV show. As an Executive Board member of the NPEIV Think Tank (National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence), he launched the GLOBAL PEACE COMMITTEE in order to promote peaceful, humane solutions to societal problems. Recently, he has completed podcasts on “Fathers Raising Daughters,” the “Me Too” movement, and “Gender Expectations in the 21st Century.” Dr. Levittan appears in the soon-to-be released documentary “Chains.” His passion comes across in his writings, presentations, and media appearances.
In this episode…
In this episode of An Unconventional Life, Dr. Michael Levittan talks to Dr. Russell Strickland about his journey as a student, transitioning to being a renown expert. Everybody has different goals in their dissertation process, but Dr. Levittan says that it was passion that carried him through. He also discussed the profound experience of becoming peers with your mentors, highlighting the transition from student to expert that every doctoral student undertakes during the dissertation process. Dr. Levittan also shares his favorite career story, which you simply must hear for yourself!
Sometimes it's tempting to abandon your goals rather than pursue them. Taking the responsibility to create something may scare you quite a bit, but that is exactly what growth means and what being a real expert entails. Dr. Michael Levittan can help you become the expert you are meant to be.