In this practice, you may use it however you see fit. Most reap the greatest benefit and change when journaling thoughts, feelings, and actions around the activity daily. The affirmations should be repeated 10 times immediately upon waking, and 10 times just prior to falling asleep to receive maximum benefit, I suggest you read them aloud. If that isn’t possible, say them in your head, putting some feeling behind the words. Regardless of how you chose to work through the practice, let yourself be led by the transforming power of love… I am very excited to share with you 52 weeks of mindfulness practice to heal your life. This 52 week program is based on the book, Life Loves You by Louise Hay and Robert Holden. Monday, December 30th kicks off the 1st Mindfulness Monday with Angels and the King!!! Listen in for more details... Check me out on FB: or on IG: angelsandtheking