"All This Darkness," published in Apex Magazine, issue 123, June 2021.
Read it here: https://apex-magazine.com/all-this-darkness
Jennifer R. Donohue grew up at the Jersey Shore and now lives in central New York with her husband and her doberman. She is a Codexian and an Associate member of the SFWA, with work appearing in Escape Pod, Truancy, The Future Fire, and elsewhere. Her novella series, Run With the Hunted, is available on Amazon and most digital platforms. She tweets @AuthorizedMusin.
Our narrator this month is A.F. Grappin.
A. F. Grappin is an author, craftsman, gamer, and voice actor. His most recent publication is the final volume of
The Deadly Studies series of novellas, with the nonfiction
history of the micronation Westarctica,
20 Years on Ice, coming later in 2021. With his best friend, he also runs The Chain Nerd Chainmail, creating chainmail jewelry, wall art, trinkets, and more. He streams crafting with metal on Twitch twice a week as TheChainNerd. Vocal credits include appearances on
The Voice of Free Planet X,
Nobilis Erotica Podcast,
This Kaiju Life, and
Vampire Needed, as well as the upcoming
Final Fantasy VII fan mod,
This Apex Magazine podcast was produced by KT Bryski. Theme music by Alex White. Other music in this podcast includes "Come Play with Me" and "The Dread," both by Kevin MacLeod and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license. Visit him at www.incompetech.com. Some sounds in this podcast provided by the Free Sound Project. Learn more at www.freesound.org.
Apex Magazine podcast, copyright Apex Publications.
Apex Magazine is a bimonthly short fiction zine focused on dark science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Find us at apex-magazine.com.