What was the BEST class you've ever been in? What made it so?
Great teachers have a knack for seamlessly weaving inspiration, passion, and content together in a way that creates a community of curiosity & excitement.
We no doubt always start the year with the mindset of creating this type of learning environment for our students, but come May? No amount of sparkly motivational teacher quotes or giant travel mugs of coffee are getting us through the days right now!
So take today's episode as a little power boost to get you through the final stretch of this year, to celebreate all the amazing things you've done to create an incredible space for your students this year, and to inspire all the motivation to be someone's best class ever!
And because Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up, let's also celebrate some of the teachers who have left joy-filled and inspirational impressions on us and our teaching! Record a short message on your voice memo app telling me your name, what you teach, and a fun or inspirational memory about one of your favorite teachers.
Then email it directly to me at [email protected] (you can also just type it if the thought of hearing your voice on the radio gives you the heeby jeebies!).
I look forward to sharing as many inspirational teacher stories as I can throughout the month of May!
Want some specific strategies and projects to level up the engagement &motivation in your upper grade classrom? Grab the FREE video training here!