Sε'məbɔ! Welcome to Lesson 10 of One Minute Medumba!
In this lesson we’re chatting about the topic of “Going" - where are you going?
(Feel free to make your own flashcards ;)
Where are you going? $ Ò nɛ̀n ɑ̂ ya?
They $ bò
He / she (non gender specific pronoun) $ à
Nous allons a l’Eglise $ Bàg nɛ̀n ɑ̂ ndânsi
I’m going to school $ Mə̀ nɛ̀n ɑ̂ ŋwà’nìIt's important to make as much progress as possible in the language - even if it's just a short amount of learning. Something learned is better than nothing learned. Sometimes, the resources to learn Medumba can seem scarce - but don't give up, don't lose hope -- keep pushing in whatever avenue that you discover.
Till next time! Bə cə'la!
Medumba is a Grassfields language of Cameroon. The people who speak it originate from the Nde division of the West Region of the country, with their main settlements in Bangangté, Bakong, Bangoulap, Bahouoc, Bagnoun and Tonga. It is a major Bamileke language, and is located in an area where sacred kingship played a pivotal role in government, justice, and diplomacy. (info via wiki)
Le Medumba vient du Cameroun, les langues officielles sont L'anglais et le français, mais le français est plus commun que l’anglais. Il existe plus de 200 langues locales au Cameroun, C’est pour cette raison que le Cameroun est considéré comme l’un des pays du monde les plus divers sur le plan linguistique.
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Starting Segment Music - alain wandji, oulou yeun ngueu…