Welcome back to Archives & Communities, the official podcast of the Society of American Archivists Student Chapter at the University of Alabama (SAA-UA). In this episode, SAA-UA Member & Podcast Manager Nick Wantsala speaks with Mariquita "Micki" Davis who co-curator and produced the Pasifika Transmissions Exhibit. This indoor exhibit honors the ancestors’ pieces with works from the 9 indigenous diaspora Pasifika artists featured in the Pasifika Transmissions virtual series.
Connect with Pasifika Transmissions:
Website: www.pieam.org/pasifika-transmissions
Instagram: @pieam_arts
Twitter: @PIEAM_arts
Guest: Micki Davis
Interviewer: Nick Wantsala
Host: Nick Wantsala
Editor: Bryan Bednarek
Podcast Manager: Nick Wantsala
Music by: Scanglobe, Scott Holmes Connect with us on your favorite social media platforms!
SAA-UA Twitter: @UAStudentSAA
SAA-UA Facebook: @/UAStudentSAA
SAA-UA Instagram: @uasaasc
SAA-UA Website: https://saaualabama.wordpress.com/