Anxious? Don’t be, instead ask God and you’ll receive His peace.
Today we’re stepping away from Acts. Instead, we’ll be talking about anxiety – hopefully this will be helpful and practical as this is an issue that is common for many.
We’ll be going through many different passages, so it may be helpful for you to get out your notebook to keep track of some of the scripture references – We’re not going to spend a lot of time at any one section of scripture. Instead, it will give you the opportunity to go back and study that passage on your own during the week.
We’re going to look at the antidote to anxiety which is trusting God. We all want to trust God and think we are most of the time, but if we’re often feeling anxious, then there is a disconnect – it’s revealing that we have not learned to put our trust in Him.
What is anxiety? It’s that feeling you get in your gut or your chest. That feeling of worry or nervousness. General unease. Maybe about somethings that’s going to happen or something that you’re not sure how it’s going to end. Apprehension.
Anxiety is a good thing if it’s temporary – it’s your body warning you about danger. Ongoing anxiety is not healthy. Either you’re in danger (get out of danger) or you’re feeling unhealthy anxiety. Today, we’re talking mostly about unhealthy anxiety. But listen: if you’re anxious because you are in a dangerous situation, you can trust God even there.
Do not be anxious
Our first passage is a favourite. Philippians 4:6. If you haven’t already, memorise it.
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. [Philippians 4:6 NIVUK]
This verse has two instructions:
FIRST, Do not be anxious, but SECOND, Present your requests.
It’s like we’re given a choice here. Are you going to Be Anxious? OR Are you going to Present Your Requests?
The choice is obvious, but… I think we often choose the former over the latter.
For both of these choices, we’re given some detail.
Do not be anxious.
* “Okay, about what?” About anything.
Instead: Present your requests.
* “When?” In every situation.
* “How?” By prayer and petition.
“What’s petition?” It’s like an urgent, devout, almost begging prayer to God to meet a specific need. Think of it this way: sometimes the quick txt-msg style prayer in the back of your mind is appropriate, but that’s not this. This is deliberate fervent prayer. Maybe it’s a prayer that you write down.
* “Anything else when we present our requests?” Yes! Thanksgiving. Prayer is supernatural, but I believe that with thanksgiving, just the act of giving thanks reminds us that God is good.
* “To whom should we present our requests?” To God.
* “Why would I do this?” Ahh, because here’s what will happen! Next verse,
Philippians 4:7,
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. [Philippians 4:7 NIVUK]
If you’re anxious, I think that’s what you yearn for.
Now sometimes, when we present our requests to God, the Holy Spirit will call us to some healing. There might be some stuff we have to work through. Looks see what that looks like.
What if
Let’s start with the future. Often, we get stuck on the “what ifs.”
What if I lose my job? What if my kids get sick? What if I fail? What if… What if… What if…
This can be debilitating – sometimes it’s a control thing: we have to be in control of every possible scenario.
Luke 12:25,
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? [Luke 12:25 NIVUK]