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I spent my weekend decluttering. As I’ve written about, clutter is a manifestation of a cluttered mind. I know that as I become more clear, I clear out my clutter, and as I clear out the clutter, I become more clear.
There are plenty of decluttering videos to choose from, but I think what I’m attempting to bring to this is a discussion on why the clutter is there in the first place and what happens (emotionally and mentally) when you start to declutter. I am chronicling what is happening to me as I go on this journey of decluttering. I would prefer it to be the same day, but it’s been days now and I had to process what all was coming up for me.
I kept supplement pills because I thought they would help me get healthy. But I was miswanting. I know that I can manifest supplements easily now with Amazon Vine, so I don’t feel a feeling of lack but rather one of abundance (concerning supplements). That helps me feel like I can throw them away and not fear not having them.
But after decluttering over the weekend, I started to feel anger. And I decided to make this video to discuss where the anger came from. I felt disempowered to declutter in the way that I wanted to. When you feel powerless you get angry. I write about the Drama Triangle and you would think I would have caught myself earlier on. But it took me a couple of days. It’s been my whole life up until now that I wallowed in the powerlessness position on this topic, so I guess a couple of days was pretty good in that regard.
I also had a realization that I am using decluttering as procrastination to keep from doing other important things. Now, I understand the importance of decluttering (it helped me to clear my mind enough to have this important realization). But, I need to weigh the pros and cons of decluttering in the future. I have to start to focus on what would make the biggest impact first.
I also talk about how having so many items around (that are not mine) is a manifestation of me being unable to enforce boundaries. In some ways that clutter is not my responsibility, but it actually is my responsibility, because no one is going to come save me from it. No one else is going to do anything with it, so I have to get the ball moving, even if it shouldn’t have been my responsibility in the beginning. So I have had to deal with that anger.
And, at the end of the video I talk about how enforcing your boundaries doesn’t have to be a difficult thing. We usually catastrophize how badly things like that can go, but it doesn’t have to be bad or difficult.
If God wants me to declutter and/or move out someday, then He will provide for me. The fear is just a lack of faith in that. And I’m working on getting that faith back.
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I believe there is grace for people who are actively asking for help (vibrationally) and doing the difficult work to face their limiting beliefs and let their stored emotions come up mindfully. I may come at this from a sort of Christian background, but I’ll explain what I mean, and I’m not out to convert people. I imagine everyone reading this article is on the narrow road of self-improvement in these ways already anyway. But, I’ll explain what I mean and maybe it will be helpful.
So many people who hear about the law of attraction think that if they have emotions of fear, that means that they will attract something awful, something they fear. You may even have seen people joke that they “fear” having lots of money. This is a common misconception of what the law of attraction is. I’ve written about how the law of attraction is misunderstood (even by some who say they believe it).
When you are afraid you may attract situations that bring up that fear, but if you go with the flow, and are not resistant, the end result won’t be bad. You are likely catastrophizing which means the fear you’re currently experiencing is actually the worst it will get.
It’s the resistance that hurts us. A leaf may float in the breeze or ride a current on a river. It’s unresistant and can have a pleasant trip. But if you are like a rock (or get stuck up against a rock) in a river and the day gets windy, you will have large waves pressing against you. It will be a completely different experience. If you’re a Christian, the wind in that example is the Holy Spirit.
John 3:8 The wind/breath/spirit blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the wind/breath/spirit.”
The word for sound is also noise, and it makes me think of the word “vibration.” The word for spirit is the same word used for wind and breath. We feel the wind currents and can go with the flow or resist it.
But, for the non-Christians, you can view it as the universe or your subconscious knowing what’s best for you. And, it is best for you to face the limiting beliefs you hold. And, it is best for you to get rid of the negative feelings that have been stored in your body (put there by past resistance). I call it emotional vomit, because those things are toxic, and the body has a natural desire to get rid of toxic waste you don’t need.
Your subconscious mind knows that and keeps bringing you into situations that can trigger those emotions so that you can “vomit” them out. When you’re feeling sick to your stomach and feel the need to vomit, you hate that feeling. But you inevitably feel better when you get it out of your system. “Better out than in,” as Shrek would say.
On Saturday I took a bag of books that I had previously scanned (and thus turned into searchable PDF files) to the local library to donate them. I am sure other people can feel capable of donating books they’ve read, but never scanned, to the library. But, I am not one of them. I still have a desire to keep the books, just like I had a desire to turn my mother’s old vinyl records into MP3s before getting rid of the physical records.
I am happy to get rid of the physical items so long as I can still get some use out of them. I’m not ridding myself of the “clutter” completely. But I am majorly downsizing the clutter with this process. It’s taking a lot of time. So it takes longer than quitting cold turkey, so to say.
I think decluttering is a process. You do have to let your mind come to terms with not hanging on to the possibilities. I can get into catastrophization with the US election news. I shared a paper from Harvard about miswanting that says we are not as affected by who gets elected as we think we will be. And I agree with that.
But I also know it was written before 2020. And lockdowns and mandates heavily affected people’s lives. So I know we catastrophize, but at the same time, I think some things could change based on who gets into the US presidential office. I think about Kamala winning and perhaps having supply issues or Trump winning and Democrats going crazy and starting a civil war. My mind still goes to these places sometimes. I tell myself that it’s not that likely. We did make it through 4 years with Trump without the leftists starting a war. And the states did sue Biden over his over-reaching attempt to mandate vaccines.
But, there is a fear of not being able to get what I need or want in times of trouble. That fear is why it can be difficult for me to give up things. And one of those relatively small fears in letting go of the books is that if the power goes out, I may no longer be able to access them. But if the power has gone out for such a long period of time, I probably have worse things to deal with than not being able to read. I will probably have more pressing issues in that scenario.
The practice of asking yourself, “Why am I keeping this?” “What am I afraid will happen if I let this go?” is a great mindfulness routine. I looked around my bathroom sink for instance and thought about the lotion I hadn’t touched or used for months. I thought I should get rid of it, and then thought, “Winter is coming.” I got really dehydrated and had horrible dry skin last winter, so I will probably keep it. But I can think about putting it somewhere else if I do not use it frequently. That’s a job for another day.
It’s okay to say you want to keep something for now. But try to understand yourself and your reasoning better with that mindfulness exercise.
Your Subconscious is Always Giving You Messages
Here is an interesting thing that happened. When I decided to scan my books I thought I would watch a TV show, but I saw a movie I was almost finished with and decided to finish that. Afterward, I saw a movie recommended that I had never seen before, but always thought I should: The Labyrinth.
In the movie, Sarah is supposed to be rescuing her half-brother from the labyrinth, but she ends up in this manufactured, magical representation of her room. It’s an attempt by those in the Labyrinth to keep her from getting to her half-brother in time. She’s surrounded by “things” from her childhood.
This is all an attempt to distract her from her main, virtuous goal. And I saw it and thought, this is part of the hoarder problem. I think we all have a divine purpose and we can be surrounded by stuff that reminds us of when times were more comfortable (childhood). But those things distract us and keep us “busy.” We’re so busy taking care of things that we don’t do the actual divine tasks we should be doing. I also understand spending a bunch of time scanning books is also, perhaps, being distracted by things. But I think this, working through it, chronicling about the process, and sharing videos that others can perhaps declutter to while watching, is part of my divine purpose.
While watching it I realized I had seen this scene before. For some reason I watched a Youtube video many years ago that had part of this scene in it. I don’t remember that video or what the point was. I wasn’t conscious of it. But my subconscious knew this scene was in the movie, so it manifested in my life at the exact time I started to declutter my old stuff. The reason I had a desire to watch it at that moment was orchestrated in some way. I don’t think it was by chance.
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Last week I wrote on Substack a lot more than I usually do. But I realized I needed to take a break from Substack. I still visited Notes and posted a couple of things. But I was getting frustrated by the stuff I saw. It all felt “so negative.” I can usually look at the 3D “negative” stuff going on in light of a higher perspective and not be as troubled by it as I was.
Because I am normally able to do this, and because of the law of attraction, I knew that it wasn’t the algorithm’s fault, something was going on inside of me to cause this. Things can be going horribly wrong but I can see great works of writing concerning those things that, even though it’s recounting awful events, it’s the creativity and care that I notice and “vibe with.”
But I was noticing people being dismissive of others who were different than they were, and a lot of “complaining.” I would guess I see people complain on Substack all of the time, but usually, I would be focused on how well they were doing it, making a logical argument and emotionally moving others.
Instead, I felt like people were just complaining and being angry together. And, I am sure that other people who saw the exact same posts I did, did not notice anything different or were actually being emotionally uplifted by what they saw.
When you notice things that rub you the wrong way, do you continually come back for more? Do you block or mute the people? They don’t have the “right” to be heard. You have the ability to curate your social media feeds. This is one place you have the power. By not removing things that aggravate you, the power, responsibility, or blame is on you, not the algorithm.
Should you block people?
I wrote that article about blocking and/or muting people who are trying to overstep your boundaries. I think it’s absolutely right to do that. But, sometimes you’ll see people in your feed that you disagree with, some who even mock something that you love. But those people may bring in good, beneficial, uplifting posts at other times. This is where I struggle.
If I blocked everyone who mocked something I believed in, eventually I might not have anyone on my social media feed. Perhaps that’s just a limiting belief. For now, I figure I will let them stay in the feed, and work on myself, such as limiting my time on the platform.
Your Mood Attracts
Samskaras are old emotional wounds that have not been let go yet. As you hold on to them by resisting feeling them, they continually attract more situations to bring them up to the surface. Your triggers can be so very healing if you let them be.
I watched a recent video from Truthstream Media and wanted to write about it. I will share a small clip, but you should check out the full video.
This separating people (into different comments) by sex seems to be an Instagram issue and since they’re owned by Facebook (Meta) then Facebook likely has the same issues.
I know that YouTube will show your (logged-in) comments on the top even if they’re at the bottom of the comment list or hidden from the public. I don’t know if YouTube has this exact issue, but people (including myself) have been complaining about comments just being removed even if they’re from the creator of the video. I have multiple YouTube accounts and sometimes I log into hardly ever used ones as well. You will see drastically different types of videos when you log in. I’m just not sure if it has this exact comment issue, although you all can test it yourself.
Later in the video, you see comments on a Biden video being separated by political leaning.
I considered writing about this on the Drama of It All Substack because I wanted to mention the fact that social media companies are attempting to “save” the consumers of that media from seeing comments they might not want to see. There is a Drama Triangle dynamic here. But I want to focus more on the various worlds we attract.
People self sort into groups naturally. This is why our political commentary channels are designated as right (Republican) vs left (Democrat). You could argue that’s not even that natural, but it’s a lot more natural than hearing completely different commentary while watching the exact same show. And that’s essentially what’s happening with the comment sections.
The woman in the video was right that we look to the comments to hear what other people think. It’s natural for us to do that. There’s a tendency to want to fit into the group as we’re a social species. Throughout human history, being part of a group has been crucial for survival. Fitting in with a group enhances security, resources, and support. Being accepted by others reduces the risk of being ostracized or left out, which could lead to isolation and potential danger. Our brains think we’re in literal danger if we don’t fit in and it stresses us out.
The problem is who are you fitting in with? The video of a woman complaining that her boyfriend had not come over when he said he would be coming over could and should be criticized. She’s playing “victim” and labeling him as a “persecutor” and it’s causing her to feel powerless. That’s not healthy behavior to take to social media and complain your boyfriend hasn’t shown up in such a manner. But if you’re logged into the platform as a girl (presumably) you will be shown other girls’ comments that perpetuate the dramatic hysteria as “normal.”
So if you see a bunch of comments acting like something is normal, you may believe that it’s a good sampling, and if no one agrees with your opinion you will feel left out. People conform to others (Research the Asch Line Experiment).
Please watch the whole TruthStream Media video. She talks about how comments change people’s opinions and how comments with “likes” have more weight, but those “likes” can be paid for with bot farms.
Social media platforms are trying to figure out what you believe and show you more of it so you’ll stay on their platform. I remember going on Facebook and editing what they thought were my political preferences. I wanted to share how to do that, but I can’t find that option any longer. But while I was there looking, I found this:
Mine was on the default because I never knew this was here. It was set to “reduce” which means I saw less of content that had been fact-checked. Some people may have chosen to “reduce more” and then they would see those fact-checked stories less often and possibly never. Fact-checked articles or videos lean more Republican in my experience. That’s another way to sort people into political groups.
We Attract Our Comments
The algorithms are taking data points from your sex if you input that into the platform. I think many platforms may be taking the control of those algorithms away from you. Minds did ask me if I wanted to see content that is more disagreeable, so they’re an exception to that. But they all want to try to show you things you’ll be interested in. So they’re tracking what you interact with.
When you “like” things, you will inevitably see more things like that. You have the ability to join different groups on sites like Facebook, Minds, and Twitter (X). You can choose not to join groups that get you upset.
We have personal responsibility to choose what we do or don’t do and all of those actions influence what we see, as always.
You can also break free from those comment silos by logging out of the platform and looking at the post/video from a fresh logged-out perspective. However, sometimes Facebook (and maybe other platforms) require you to be logged in to view some things. You can also choose to view “most recent” or “all comments.” I hate that Facebook tries to pick and choose which comments are shown. I always click on the “all comments” option.
You have the power to influence your social media world. You could even try having two accounts, one female and one male to see what the platforms might not be showing you. You could also get off of social media and into the real world where people are not able to stop you from hearing everyone’s comments on a topic.
I think it’s beneficial to not get trapped into an echo chamber where you never hear criticisms of what you believe, but I also don’t think it’s beneficial to constantly listen to people who disagree with you just because you’re afraid to be stuck in an echo chamber. I think there is a happy medium.
The Trump Assassination Attempt
I wrote the beginning portion of this article before Trump was shot at. But when I kept seeing people insist that the shooting was fake, even if the media claims it was real but just a series of mistakes, I felt like I should bring it up here.
To those with a conspiratorial Drama Triangle mindset, all of the oddities lead them to think it was faked and Trump really wasn’t shot. They would claim that it’s fake blood and the crowd are crisis actors. One comment suggests that because there are lots of women there, there should be total hysteria of screaming and inconsolable women, and because there aren’t they’re faking it.
That is a limiting belief. It’s worth questioning. Is there another reason why they wouldn’t run? First, Coleman pointed out, “freeze” (not just fight or flight) is a reaction that some have to terrifying situations.
But, these are also Trump supporters and not Democrats (who love to play victim and over-react to things). Trump & Tucker Carlson seemed to believe they stayed because they were worried about their leader.
There are other possible reasons for what happened than it being “faked.” Depending on your social media accounts, you may be surrounded by people who think it’s all fake. I had a brief interaction with someone I used to chat with a lot and brought up the Illuminati card. I don’t know what it means, but I saw his reaction and he thought the card meant “it’s all scripted.” That’s ascribing meaning to the card. There could be other meanings, and I’m still open to hearing them.
I’m not surrounded by people who think this card means it’s all fake any longer. But maybe I would have been if I had taken different (or not taken) actions in my past. Our actions are what lead us into echo chambers or out of them.
The exact same oddities of the assassination attempt are being used to say that the secret service or the deep state wanted him dead or didn’t want to stop it. They have mostly the same questions, but they don’t ascribe the same meaning to the oddities.
And, of course, you’ve got those who follow the mainstream legacy media and they may believe that it’s all just horrible mistakes. They may even think questioning that it could have been intentional is dangerous.
Personally, I always think you should have questions. Here is a video with some of those questions concerning this. An0maly asks, “What do you think?” to get people to leave comments. He’ll see the conflicting comments (unless YouTube deletes them). But you may want to try logging out in order to view them all.
Depending on who you surround yourself with, you may be led down a path of thinking of this event the way everyone else does. But who is “everyone else?” It’s usually your clique. But what if they’re wrong? You may feel like you’re a crazy person for not agreeing with “everyone” but they’re not everyone.
There are multitudes of ways to view what happened. You can still question things without ascribing meaning. But we as humans are meaning-making machines.
Some people feel they need to know what happened. Because they would feel powerless or nervous not knowing. There’s a feeling of instability and that causes fear and anxiety. People race to figure out what happened as soon as possible to lessen that anxiety.
You Can’t Make Something False - True
Some people say that you can choose to believe something and that will make it true. So if you choose to believe he faked it, then you will enter some reality or timeline in which he did. And if you choose to believe it was real but the government was in on it, then you will enter a reality in which that is true.
I don’t believe that. I do believe that your pre-conceived notions will make you feel as if you are in a reality in which that is true because your brain will ignore everything that goes against it like spiritual blind spots.
But just because you’re wearing glasses that keep you from seeing things that disagree with you and laser-focused on what you do believe, doesn’t mean there isn’t a real truth out there to find.
Take Your Glasses Off
Every so often we should try to take our perceptual glasses off and ask these questions:
* “Is this absolutely true?”
* “Is there another way to see this?”
* “Am I bringing my preconceived ideas into this analysis?”
* “What would someone else think about this event?”
* “Would they have a logical point?”
* Am I ascribing meaning to this that’s undeserved?
* Is there another meaning for this that I haven’t looked at?
If You Must Enter an Echo Chamber, Visit Others
If you find yourself in an echo chamber, it’s important to listen to what other competing echo chambers say because they may also have valid points you haven’t considered yet.
Also, if you attempt to broaden your views, removing those perceptual glasses so you can try to see the actual truth of a situation, those in your echo chamber will likely get mad at you for asking questions. Some people love their world of comforting lies more than they actually want the truth of a situation.
But would you really want to stay and conform to those sorts of people? Don’t you want the truth above all else?
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The night before last I was lying in bed tired, trying to sleep. I pulled up an Abraham Hicks meditation for physical well-being. I started focusing on how my body is attempting to heal itself.
The next day, yesterday, at work I found an announcement from The Red Cross. They were looking for blood donations. And they’re giving away a 2025 RAM truck. And I started thinking about how it would be nice to use the law of attraction to win it.
Your Vehicle Says Something About You & Your Life
I have had a couple of car problems over the last few years, nothing serious. In fact, every time I went to get it repaired I was pleasantly surprised by how little it cost. But it’s an older vehicle, and it’s a hand-me-down car.
Well, in life, when I was growing up I felt like I had to do what other people told me to do. I never felt like I had the option to say, “No.” So my life, in a sense, was a hand-me-down life. I’m attempting to heal from that, and I realize that at some point my attempts to control my life and be more authentic may result in manifesting a new vehicle to drive through life in, literally and metaphorically. That’s the plan anyway.
So, I have a belief that I could manifest a new vehicle due to my personal work of healing myself. And I’ve written about how I attracted getting products for free before. It used to just be a few small-ticket items, then I graduated to getting higher-ticket items, and now I manifested getting invited to Amazon’s Vine program with the chance of some very expensive items and more options to choose from. I’ve been enjoying my grounding bed sheet and looking forward to my new nut/soy milk maker.
So, I have a belief that I can attract items for free and a belief that if I have been working on my mindset and self in this way then I should be able to attract a new vehicle (which represents a new way to drive through life). So I’ve been visualizing myself getting a phone call announcing I won it, having to ask someone to drive me to pick it up so I can drive it back, and sitting in the driver’s seat.
What If I Don’t Win It?
I bet you all are wondering how I will feel if I don’t win it. Isn’t it stupid to tell people about the giveaway because if my readers decide to enter that will weaken my chances? Guess what, you don’t have to give blood to be entered. You can just email them to enter.
Now you all can enter even without considering giving blood. Does that weaken my chance? No. Whoever is most vibrationally aligned wins. If it’s me, then it doesn’t matter how many other people enter. But what if it’s not me?
How Will I Feel If I Don’t Win?
I mentioned in my article on getting a better job that sometimes you attract being fired in order to get a better job. If I can see the benefits of getting fired or dumped, not winning a contest won’t matter.
And, the more you visualize and meditate on the possibility of good things heading your way, the more your brain is being attuned to noticing other ways in which healing can occur and thus more good things can be attracted.
“My Health Is Improving” Revisited
I started this article out saying that the night before last I was focused on how my body is attempting to heal itself. I have asked for healing so much in the past, that I know it’s available vibrationally. I just need to allow it. So I was focusing while meditating on feeling the vibration of allowing.
When I heard about the Red Cross giveaway and how you don’t need to give blood to win, it didn’t deter me… when I saw the ad I thought, I feel like giving blood again. It’s been a while. I last gave blood in New York, and I hadn’t been there for almost 10 years.
I downloaded the Red Cross app and looked up places to donate. They asked me what kind of donation I would like to give. I have never done a PowerRed donation before, so I watched some videos about it. I found out that there are actual health benefits to donating your blood. Who knew?
Apparently, you can dump some of those toxic “forever chemicals” from your body into your donation bag to give to other people. Supposedly this doesn’t harm the recipients. There’s some discussion about that in the comments section.
Could Donating Blood Help My Physical Health?
So, could donating my blood actually help with my health? Is this desire to donate blood again a sign that my body is ready to detox those forever chemicals? It’s something I’m considering. We’ll see how it goes. My last blood tests show I’m pretty normal in what all was checked.
You do have to have a minimum weight to do the Power Red donation. I don’t want to be as heavy as I am right now, but I do weigh enough currently. Perhaps I have been miswanting how heavy I weigh for this very purpose?
I’m contemplating the idea that donating my blood might improve my health enough that I could find it easier to lose weight in addition to losing toxic chemicals. So maybe I won’t be able to do the Power Red version in the future. But losing weight wouldn’t stop me from donating the normal blood donation in the future.
Everything I’ve written about here is about becoming more optimistic about my future. Whether or not either of these things happens, doesn’t matter as much as the visualization and contemplation do.
Are you going to enter the contest as well? Would you consider donating blood to get health benefits such as ridding yourself of toxins?
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Your driving can say a lot about you. I bet they could make a quiz asking about your driving style and have somewhat accurate results for what your take on life is also. I believe what vehicle we drive says a lot about us if we could see the correlations. What type of vehicle you drive, and what goes wrong with it, are all likely saying a lot about you. Wouldn’t you like to know what it’s saying?
As I was turning the steering wheel the other day and it was moaning and whining, I thought about that time I stood up after physical therapy and sighed. My dad heard me and suddenly he thought my back pain was worse than he had originally perceived it to be. I think I was more tired than in pain, but yes, I moan, cry out, or sigh when I get up at times. I forgot he was there. I probably would have not made a noise had I remembered he was in the house that day. Yes, it hurts when I stand up from a seated position. When my car is getting ready to move directions it moans. When I get ready to move directions I moan. Is it correlated? What do you think? I think it probably is.
My Car, Myself: A Dictionary of the Psychological Link to You And Your Car Issues
Michael J. Lincoln, Ph. D. wrote this book, “My Car, Myself” to give people the chance to understand the correlation.
I bought this book. I only have a few problems with my car. I recently fixed one. I can look those up and see if it seems accurate or not. But I can’t tell if every dictionary term in this book would be accurate for others. And, I think, like a dream, the interpretation could or should be best done by the person having the issue. Like I mentioned with the moaning steering wheel.
I will share a couple of examples, but I don’t want to share too much from the book, so that it takes away revenue from Michael. Below is some of the dictionary entry for Steering Wheel. Before this entry is Power Steering, and after there’s more about Steering Wheel Anti-Theft Device, and Steering Wheel Lock. So there are a few entries for the wheel. I don’t think those others are relevant to a wheel whining though.
Steering Wheel
“Direction-determination disruption.” They are having real problems with conflicted motivations, dysfunctional decision processes, and self-direction difficulties. They can’t arrive at an effective goal-selection or intention-implementation process at present. It is the result of severely dysfunctional family distortions of their direction-determination system.
They are being given intense feedback that they simply must take charge of their life, yet they can no longer afford to be at the mercy of the family’s disruptive processes.
Steering Wheel Position Adjustment
“Generalized Discomfort.” No matter how hard they try, they just can’t seem to find a smoothly functioning place to be coming from in their direction-determination.
Many internal conflicts and dysfunctional intervention programs are arising from their formative family experience, with the result that there is just no workable position from which they can operate. They are being promoted to work on clearing the dysfunctional self-direction distortions generated by their formative experience.
You can see some similarities between those that come from the “steering wheel” by itself. But they are slightly different. I know that I have conflicts between the way I was brought up and what I “should” be doing for a living (according to family). It was assumed that I should go to college and get a stable job working for someone else. But I have a desire to work for myself, and with that comes with (what looks like to others) instability.
I think if you can have faith in the law of attraction, you can feel stable in those laws of the universe regardless of what your job is. But trust me, that conflicts with the way I grew up. I can see how this definition of the problem could say something about me.
I also want to point out that I’m working to fix my back pain (with the physical therapy). It’s probably good to point out that after my real good physical therapy session, the next day I had a really stressful day at work. I wrote about it on my other Substack publication, The Drama of It All.
I learned from that experience that I am more capable than I usually give myself credit for. I can see that healing myself physically, is causing emotional healing. And, it could be that when I am completely healed, I will manifest a different vehicle (without this trouble) or get it fixed somehow.
I also had a problem with my car making loud noise because something was wrong with the muffler. Here’s that definition.
Muffler (Absorbs the loud sound of the internal combustion engine explosions that provide the power)
“Fear farts.” Something in their current situation is generating a gripping anxiety and as yet indigestible ideas, along with a sense of responsibility-overload and the associated resentment.
They have a considerable amount of uneasiness and agitated anticipation of aggravating developments. They are implication-catastrophizing and operating from generalized dread. These are vague and intangible fears about things that “go bump in the night,” the “nameless terrors of which they dare not speak.”
It came from a “magical mystery tour” family experience in which they could never tell when and what piece of excrement would come off the wall at them, just that it would.
They need to develop a stronger sense of confidence in themselves and of safety in the world through building up their ability to be “at cause” instead of “at effect.”
I grew up with a lady taking care of me and my brother who would have fits at doing something innocuous. If something wasn’t done the way she particularly wanted it done, then I would get yelled at terribly. I tried to become a “mind-reader” (which is a cognitive distortion). I was walking on eggshells around her. But that didn’t help.
There was this one time her clothes were in the washer machine. I wanted to do a load of laundry. I took hers out, and I could have put them in the dryer, but I worried, “What if they shrink? What if I put them on the ‘wrong’ setting and she yells at me?” So I figured, since they would be wet all day anyway, I could just set them on the washer, do my load, and put them back in the washer. No harm would have been done. But I still got yelled at for not simply doing them for her. There was no way to win besides just not doing my laundry at all.
I definitely have experience where I “could never tell when and what piece of excrement would come off the wall at (me), just that it would,” in my background. I’m having to heal myself from that anxiety. I don’t blame her, as it probably started before I “attracted” her into my life. But I know I have had this issue for a long, long time. I know about catastrophizing because I did it and can once in a while still do it. At least I recognize it now and can talk myself out of it a bit.
I am happy to report the muffler problem was fixed and it was a lot cheaper than I expected. I also want to note that after fixing that muffler problem, I started my physical therapy, and had that day at work that made me realize how capable I am even when life throws excrement at me.
Oil Leak
“Running out of steam.” They are feeling run down and increasingly amotivational recently. It is the result of a co-dependent and/or “serve-aholic” pattern, in which they fail to take their own needs into sufficient consideration. It began in a demanding dysfunctional family. They are in need of learning where their responsibilities leave off, and those of the world around them begin.
Well, hell, that’s why I write about the drama triangle and am so damned interested in it. I know I used to be a “rescuer” trying to save people, taking on more responsibility than I should have, with the weight of the world on my shoulders. What I love about the law of attraction is that I can let go of that feeling of needing to be responsible for others and their life. Although, I’ll admit, you could theoretically still have that feeling within the law of attraction perspective, if you think you’re attracting all the “evil” in the world and it’s “all on you” to clean it up.
My car is still leaking oil. So, I suppose I’m still struggling with this in some ways. Sometimes I feel as if I “should” do more than my fair share. I’m aware of it. Sometimes I feel like I should write articles because people are subbed and paying me money. I want them to get what they’re paying for. And I want to do a great job with my other gigs, etc. But this is why I meditate. This is why I study the drama triangle and am so laser focused on it and personal responsibility. It’s why I wrote that it’s good to take care of ourselves first and that doesn’t make us narcissistic. It makes us loving. But, here I am writing, and not relaxing today. It will take time to completely heal. But I know I’m doing a lot better than I used to.
Well, that was 3 out of 3 being pretty accurate to me. If you’re interested in this subject, check out his book. It’s not on Amazon and I get no referral money from it.
Physical Symptoms & Signs
And if you’re interested in finding out more about what your physical body aches and pains may be about, I would suggest looking up those terms with “German New Medicine” attached to the key words in a search engine. I discussed how I manifested Hypothyroidism in this video. I read through some of the German New Medicine perspective on the thyroid and what the spiritual or mental implications or causes are. Hypothyroidism can lead to a lack of energy. Isn’t it interesting that the oil leak was about “running out of steam” too and I manifested both?
Car Accidents
I once mentioned on Notes that I manifested an accident. I also watched other people get into a vehicular accident and it seemed to be like they were magnetically drawn to each other. There are pages in his book on accidents, because the definition depends on what part of the car is getting hit.
When I got hit, I was in a bad mood. I wasn’t thinking clearly. It definitely reminds me of that time in the driver’s test when I hit that flag. My mindset was in a different place than I usually am. I watched the truck coming, and still drove out, like I couldn’t do anything else. I know what it feels like when magnets are attracted to each other. It felt like there was something else moving me.
I once wrote about how our thoughts may be magnetic in a sense. I don’t think I had to have a car accident. I think I had control over my thoughts and I let myself get into a bad mindset which then attracted the accident. But I was in a completely different mental place back then. I bring it up because I think we all attract accidents or repel them by our vibe (mental state).
I hope you enjoyed reading this. Do you have car or truck problems now? Wondering what they mean? You can ask yourself in meditation and you might just get an answer to pop into your head. I don’t think it’s supposed to be difficult to figure out what these things mean. I think they’re supposed to be figure-outable.
I think they’re simply signs that we should work on ourselves to heal. But so often people simply try to fix the external without fixing the internal issues at all. Then more issues pop up again and again. I think that’s why we keep creating new diseases. As soon as the medical community thinks they’ve solved something, a new one pops up, because people are not healing themselves from within first.
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We have a tendency, due to past momentum of thinking negatively, to discard our positive feelings when they occur. Once you notice it you can’t stop noticing it. If you have been picked on, teased, or abused because of your looks, you may find it very difficult to accept a compliment on looking nice today. If you are used to meeting inconsiderate people, meeting someone who is considerate may be a nice change of pace. But rather than appreciate it, you’ll swipe it away with thoughts such as, “Maybe he’s playing games and trying to get something from me,” or, “It’s a shame most people are so inconsiderate, that this person stands out.”
Why Can’t You Be Happy?
Why can’t you let yourself enjoy the positive feelings when they occur? It is momentum as I’ve said. You have been thinking negatively about these topics for so long that when something doesn’t match your beliefs about a subject, it can cause cognitive dissonance. God-Source, the universe, your higher self, your inner being (however you want to think about it) is attracting positive situations into your life all of the time. But we have these blinders on (our negative, limiting beliefs) that keep us from seeing and appreciating the good there is out there.
Question Your Beliefs
Beliefs are thoughts you’ve continued to think over and over and usually started when you were a child and were simply trying to make sense of the world. Your parents, friends, or teachers may have told you something and then you start to see those patterns playing out and simply believed them, rather than question if there were examples when those beliefs were not true. The question, “Is it true?” is important to ask when you notice a negative, limiting belief of yours.
Milk The Good Experiences
If you have a belief that people are inconsiderate and you see someone being kind and thoughtful, rather than immediately re-membering (playing over your memories of people who are inconsiderate reinforcing your negative beliefs), take time out to focus on appreciating this person.
Your brain is experiencing cognitive dissonance and it is trying to get back to your normal pattern of thought. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says “neurons that fire together wire together.” In this example, you have created a link between people and inconsiderate acts. Your brain is not used to putting people and considerate acts together. But you can start to create new associations. It starts with appreciating that a person who is being considerate exists. Notice it.
When you first start to milk an experience like this it may feel like a fluke. That’s okay. It takes time for your brain to open and start to associate the opposite of something you’ve had a long habit of thinking.
Start New Affirmations
But if you do this enough, noticing every time someone is considerate, eventually you break your old belief that all people are inconsiderate. You can then start new affirmations for yourself such as, “I meet considerate people.” You should believe an affirmation when you say it or think it. You shouldn’t lie to yourself. But at this point, you should believe this affirmation because you’ve had experiences meeting them.
Other Examples
I gave a pretty clear example in thinking most people are inconsiderate and shifting that belief through appreciation and then affirmations. You will have to be mindful and check where you have specific negative, limiting beliefs and milk when you have good experiences that counteract those beliefs.
Another belief could be, “I don’t have enough money to buy that.” Remember, you should believe your affirmation, so this won’t work in circumstances where you don’t have credit, but here’s an example. You could ask yourself, “Is it true? Is it true that I don’t have enough money to buy it?” You may find out that you could buy it if you put it on credit. It isn’t wise to buy it on credit if you don’t have the cash to pay it off. But the belief that you can’t buy it is wrong. You could appreciate that you could buy it. You have the freedom to buy it on credit if you wanted to. You don’t want to buy it on credit. You want to focus on appreciating the fact that you have freedom and you could buy it if you wanted to. But you don’t want to right now.
Another limiting belief could be, “I can’t do this/that.” A lot of people have a fixed mindset in that they don’t believe they have the power to learn and grow. We also see other people doing things that took them a long time to master, but they do it so well and we don’t see the work put into it that we think that they had some innate talent that we will never have. Is it true that you can’t do that thing? Try to get a growth mindset and remind yourself that you have learned to do a lot of things in the past and you can learn how to do something new in the same way. You can search online for video tutorials or groups on how to do something and learn a lot that way. You want to appreciate all the ways in which you could learn and have learned in the past.
Milking Good Thoughts & Emotions
You don’t have to do anything physical. Simply emotionally and mentally hold on to and appreciate the good thoughts and emotions that you are having. I was driving to work last Friday and I passed by a dock on the lake. For some reason, the sun was hitting it the right way, and emotionally I’d time-traveled back to fishing on the dock with my mother and brother in the summer. The same emotion of loving the sun’s warmth and calm, relaxed feeling rushed over me. But, of course, there was traffic around and I was back in the real world in a few seconds. But rather than simply think of the emotion as a fluke, I appreciated it. I had attracted that very peaceful emotion into my life. I took that attraction of emotion to be a great sign of more to come.
Oftentimes people will have a flashback to a positive memory when they hear an older song or smell some familiar smell. That is a time to milk those positive emotions and if you can, sit quietly and try to feel that feeling for as long as possible, appreciating it.
But sometimes people have negative emotions wrapped up in it. What if you’re remembering a really great time with a lost love and then you think that person was really cruel at some other time, or you really miss that person and think you’ll never be able to feel that love again?
These are the times to truly appreciate the positive moments the most. In the case of thinking you will never have that love again, I would say, “You’re feeling that love right now.” That’s the point. The emotion that you think you will never have again just popped into your heart. You attracted that loving feeling.
The belief that you will never have that feeling again is proved wrong because you just felt it. You have a belief that you need another person to make you feel that feeling of love, but that’s wrong. I recently wrote about the idea that we think other people will make us feel the feeling of love. It’s wrong. The feeling of love comes from us.
Steer Your Mind
You may not be able to control those negative associations from popping into your head when you feel positive emotions (seemingly out of nowhere). But you do have the capability to steer your mind into appreciating the positive event or emotion that just happened rather than allowing yourself to turn back to wallowing again.
Just because you have created those associations in the past doesn’t mean that you are stuck that way. You can create new associations with things. I made this video a while back about creating new associations or “vibrational anchors.”
You have the capability to create new meanings of events and new associations. Whenever something makes you feel good you should milk the hell out of it. Appreciate that you have the ability to feel this way. Appreciate that you are learning that you have this ability. Appreciate that you know how momentum works better now, because, although momentum of negative thoughts sucks, you can turn your mind around and get momentum of positive thoughts.
You are in control over what you spend your time thinking about. As I said thoughts will pop into your mind based on past associations but you don’t have to milk the negative thoughts, just go back to what you can appreciate and focus on where your power is.
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Yes, the phrase, "Fuck Joe Biden," may be about placing Joe as the "Persecutor" and the US citizens as the "Victim," in the drama triangle. That really depends on the person. However, I would suggest that the phrase, "Let's Go, Brandon," re-brands it, so to speak, in a show of power. The phrase, "Let's Go, Brandon" has multiple meanings and means different things to different people. To me, it means something like, "Fuck you mainstream-corporate media propaganda. We don't believe you. Joe Biden sucks as President." To me, it's about being authentic and vocal, and unifying with the rest of the citizens who have been censored for so long.
What does it mean to you? Feel free to leave a comment on the podcast page on the website.
In this podcast I read through the article, "‘Let’s go Brandon’ is more than just a funny anti-Biden meme. It empowers Americans against the ‘fact-checkers’ and censors" by Robert Bridge and add some commentary. I'll leave links below to everything I discussed in the episode.
The phrase "Let's Go, Brandon!" being more viral than any disease shows that people are finally finding their voice and realizing they're not alone. The media has censored people for so long that they felt like they were the only ones thinking these thoughts. Censorship creates echo chambers and then the mainstream narrative drowns out what they don't want you to think about. But people aren't allowing themselves to be censored as much and they're finding out they're not alone.
I also discuss Biden seemingly trying to co-opt the phrase. But I don't believe he'll be powerful enough to do it. So take a listen, and enjoy!
‘Let’s go Brandon’ is more than just a funny anti-Biden meme. It empowers Americans against the ‘fact-checkers’ and censors
Biden Brings Out Disabled Man Named Brandon In Apparent Attempt To Co-opt ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Meme
YouTube deletes rapper's 'Let's Go Brandon' song claiming 'medical misinformation'
Feeling Powerless vs Powerful
Why Do We Rest on The Weekend?
President Biden, his powerlessness and the Law of Attraction
The podcast currently has 18 episodes available.