Happy New Year Everyone!! 🎉
We started this new year off with quite the bang:
Every new year we are in the sign of Capricorn which is all about structure, control, decisions and management. Interesting too that at the time of the new year the sun is usually at 10-11 degrees which is a time of manifestation and integrity. Not surprising then that this is when we focus on making all of our resolutions for the New Year.
The energy leading up to the New year is all about how we control ourselves on the inside: we are called to examine our boundaries with ourself, our heart and the decisions we make (or often do not make) for our heart, how we manage our feeling, control or decide our beliefs, where we belong, the mindset we use with our self-management, what we open up to (and close to), how we incorporate our intuition and spirit into our inner self-management, decisions and control, what we commit to in regards to our decisions, control and self-management and what we decide to act on.
New year’s day, all of this energy and all the inner self-management decisions and direction leading up to the day culminated into the energy focused on holding space for and loving and protecting our inner control decisions made to this point so that we can manifest this new (upgraded) personal self-management moving forward in this year.
In addition, the Sun trined Uranus calling on us to innovate to higher self-worth, take a more open approach to our self-management and focus on manifesting the best version of ourselves.
Immediately following on Sunday Mercury shifted into Aquarius where it’s also focused on innovation and elevating to a higher vibe and trined the North Node bringing a great focus of love to our thoughts.
And…. If that wasn’t enough of a push to elevate us higher going into this new year, we coupled all of this with the New Moon on Sunday, bringing our heart and our feelings together encouraging us to feel into our heart and tune into what we really believe we can achieve (so that we can achieve it).
What phenomenal energy to kick off this new year!!
Setting us up perfectly for this coming week 1/3/22 – 1/9/22
Monday is likely the most important day of the week
Jupiter squares the North Node in Gemini.
The North Node shows us where we are to focus our aim and attention and it’s been working backwards through the degrees of Gemini since May of 2020. (The nodes move backwards across the zodiac – opposite to all the other planets) It’s been working here in the mental part of our consciousness for nearly 18 months and getting ready to shift into Taurus, our manifestation consciousness, later this month on the 19th.
Jupiter, the expansive gift-giver who’s now in Pisces expanding our spiritual consciousness is giving the North Node one last final boost before she transitions our of our mental space, calling on us to focus our minds on (unconditional) love.
There is even more love focus today with the Moon crossing Venus at the transformational, quantum 22 degrees, calling on us to open up and feel into where we truly belong and put love into all our creations.
Tuesday, we are infused again with Uranian energy of belonging and transformation calling on us to focus on what our heart believes in order to be where we truly belong.
Later in the week on Wednesday on a Venus ruled day, Venus will sextile Neptune infusing spiritual love and protection into how we open up to feeling about our creations and encouraging us to take it to a higher level.
Thursday, spirit rules the day, encouraging us to open up to our heart and surrender our creations to the guidance of our Soul and Spirit. Rest, receive and go with your Divine flow today.
Friday is all about commitment. Allow yourself to intuit (sense) what your heart needs and desires and commit to it. Now is the time to devote yourself to the life that’s calling you – Your best life! One that makes your heart and soul happy.
Saturday Venus conjuncts the Sun. Venus, who’s currently retrograde comes back together with your heart (the Sun) on this action ruled day opening us up even more to love and our heart’s desires and encouraging us to take action on what our heart is committed to. Feel the love and honor your commitments with action, even if it’s symbolic action, or small action, honor your heart today.
Sunday could be a little tough energetically.
Mars opposes Black Moon Lillith. Our ego is charged to act on our heart in order to manifest but we may face some mental fears about doing so. Remember, fear is only [False. Evidence. Appearing. Real]. Stay grounded and heart centered today and don’t let your mind run away with itself or take you down a rabbit hole into fear or doubt. Keep the faith, breath, trust and settle any mental turbulence. Manifestation and inspired action must be birthed from love and not fear ❤️.
Mercury sextiles Chiron. Our heart today is focused on acting on our heart in order to manifest while our mind is focused on committing to a higher vibration inside ourself and this is merging in with healing the commitments we’ve made with how we treat ourself/ act with ourself. Healing some commitments may be necessary to rise to this higher vibration and your heart is ready to act.
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As humans, over time we’ve lost sight of the fact that, well… basically we’ve forgotten, that it’s our heart and our feelings (the Sun and the Moon) that’re meant to be the guiding forces of our lives.
We have gotten over-run by our ego and our minds. But the truth is, they’re not the parts of ourselves that are supposed to be running the show.
Our ego and our mind are here to serve our heart and our feelings. They’re supposed to be loyal servants to our soul > not overbearing whacko dictators that make us feel bad or force us to do things our hearts and feelings aren’t into.
- How does your mind treat your heart and your feelings?
- Is your mind supportive or disruptive?
- Do your thoughts and mindset serve your highest good?
- Does your mind let your heart and feelings have a say?
- Or does it over-ride and over-run?
After you’ve taken some real time with these questions, then ask yourself:
- Where and how do I need to think differently?
- Let your heart speak, give it voice... What does my heart want (need) to say to my mind?
Receive your answers and be inspired to think differently. Dare to think higher, more loving thoughts about yourself and what you can accomplish.
Forgive yourself for all the times you’ve let your mind over-run your heart.
Thank your mind for trying to protect you and forgive it for the hurt or harm it has caused.
Release the past and allow yourself to move forward with a new commitment to honoring your heart and your feelings in all that you do.
Let your heart and mind make friends and commit to working together in support of the abundance, joy, and success your soul desires and deserves.
To our Success and Thriving Higher together!
❤️✨ Candice
Signup for FREE Coaching & Hypnosis @ CandiceCzaplak.com