Podcast Episode 17:
Aenimus, MaxxMaxx, and Lyft cover the following:
High-level discussion of Path of the Plumber, the Spring 2020 Challenge Path
Brief impressions of Low-Key Summer
Thoughts on May and June IOTMs, the Left Hand Man and Guzzlr
Interested in seeing logs of the top handful of Plumber runs on each side of the board? They can all be found here: https://tinyurl.com/PotP-Commendation
Huge congrats to all the players earning commendations for the first time! Special shoutout to Maxx and Burrows for getting on both the hardcore and softcore board in silver or higher!
maxxmaxx (Gold HC, Silver SC ) burrows (Silver HC, Silver SC) OgreCrusher (Silver HC, Bronze SC) Zdrvst (Silver SC, Bronze HC) The_Dragon (Silver) idk anything (Bronze) Dr Ragon (Bronze) fredg1 (Bronze) worthawholebean (Bronze) Roibeard (Bronze) Ordog (Bronze) Sacez (Bronze) Katarn (Bronze) gizmofinch (Bronze) GodOfEverything (Bronze)
Sawyer's streams KoL at https://www.twitch.tv/arsawyer84/videos Check out his latest streams which include topics like how to maximize Kramco encounters and his 1 turn Defiled Cranny challenge (can you run enough monster level in HC unrestricted to get all 25 evil beeps in a single turn?)
Standard 2020 Pull List: https://tinyurl.com/KoL-PullList
Discord Invite link: https://discord.gg/tbUCRT5