Live streaming video is extremely popular right now as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube have all added the option to their features. This is great because streaming allows you to share with your audience in the moment, and really create that one on one interaction despite the fact that there could be thousands watching!
One major mistake often made when shooting live video is the lack of interaction with the audience. The thing that differentiates a recorded video from a live one is the opportunity for interaction with your audience- so take advantage of it!
Pay attention to the comment thread as you're shooting and answer the questions you receive; acknowledge the things your viewers are saying. Doing so will keep the viewers you already have watching more, as well as increasing the likelihood that they'll share your video!
Our Senior Video Producer, Joe Wood, helps prep for all of our live videos and he's sharing all you need to know about engaging your live audience and increasing viewership in today's Potratz Pointer!