Skip Falatko is the Chief Financial Officer for the Maryland Association of CPAs (MACPA). Like many CPAs, his career started in public accounting. After a handful of professional transitions, Skip has served as part of the leadership team at MACPA for over 20 years.
MACPA has a reputation for being on the cutting edge of the profession. In this episode, Skip reflects on what navigating complexity has looked like recently, after some huge changes. Recent complexities have included: navigating Covid-19, transitioning more CPE online, creating more focused content and event programming, selling an MACPA subsidiary business (The Business learning Institute), applying rapidly-changing tax laws and regulations, and maintaining high-level member experience in it all. Skip encourages us to do what he does: listen to members and trust the wisdom of the team. Teamwork will get us through it all as we seek the flourishing of our profession and membership base.