What does it mean for a professional seeking career opportunities to have a blog and an online portfolio? How can companies recruit candidates in a more meaningful way? How do smart recruiters use LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media to find top talent?
Social media is perfect for career development as it allows professionals to show what they know and think, interact with peers and build connections, learn from others, find mentors, and build a personal brand - to be known. Recruitment can be an outcome of this involvement. Recruiters and to a lesser degree companies are starting to use social media to spot candidates. But it`s not an overnight thing, it`s a slow process. And it can be messy, if one is not careful or does not have a personal brand strategy and goals.
Speaker Valeria Maltoni helps businesses understand how customers and communities have changed marketing, public relations, and communications - and how to build value in this new environment. Her Conversation Agent is recognized among the world`s top online marketing blogs. As a communicator with 20 years of experience, 10 of which online, she specializes in marketing communications, customer dialogue, and brand management. She built one of the first online communities affiliated with Fast Company magazine - Company of Friends Philadelphia - one of MyCareerTransitions sponsors. Valeria’s deep experience across a broad array of mid-to-large sized companies in the technology, health care, manufacturing, risk management consulting, non-profit and public sectors provide a wealth of experience and insights.