In this episode of At A Crossroads Anagha, a psychologist who specializes in counseling and cognitive behavior, who has completed her Masters in Counselling Psychology from Columbia University and has over 4 years of experience in the field, walks us through the fundamentals of mental health and the science behind it. We paint out relatable pictures of real-life scenarios like lack of motivation, gaming or social media addictions, feelings of inadequacy, and so on. To which Anagha provides quick, effective, and easily implementable solutions. Also, you’ll finally know the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist xD. (Does it ever happen to you that a conversation gets so interesting that you lose track of time? Yeah this was one of those times for us; so we have split this particular iteration of ATC into 2 parts) Buckle up because this is a long discussion and so for your convenience, we have divided it into 2 parts.