Sonila, Nith, and Marie are representing WiCSM: Women in Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics. Sonila and Nith are co-founders and co-presidents of this student collective. Sonila is a third year student, a part time pharmacy assistant, and a former instructor for U of T Engineering Outreach. This year, Sonila is a work study student at the vice principal research office as a database assistant. This leader in women empowerment is interested in web development, makeup and photography. Nith is also a third year student majoring in statistics. When she’s not organizing for women in STEM, she’s studying Statistics, watching Tamil movies and reading! Finally, Marie is a fourth year student in Neuroscience, Psychology and Applied Statistics. She engages in her community through working at an optometry clinic and is also the VP of Corporate Sponsorships at empoWer. Join us as we discuss advice for CMS, overcoming challenges as women in STEM, and the importance of femme friendships.