In Part 2: Kevin and Tim continue to discuss the Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality,focusing on specific responses – including Brian Houston’s (senior pastor of Hillsong NY) blog post “Do I Love Gay People?”. We discover that Kevin is not an investigative journalist, and how a few of our gay friends feel about the common church policy “All are welcome, but if you’re in a same-sex relationship you cannot be in leadership.”
We have 2 questions for you! (email us or answer anonymously)
* If you are a pastor/professor who is moving toward (or currently is) affirming, but unable to speak publicly about it because of leadership tensions for any reason, what is holding you back?
* If you are LGBTQ, how does a church’s policy of “all are welcome, but if you are in a same-sex relationship you cannot be in leadership” affect you emotional, spiritually, relationally?
Links from the episode:
* HRC’s Christian Conversation Guide
* Gay Christian Network’s Church Toolkit
* Brian McLaren’s Four Spaces of Church Leadership (on LGBT affirmation)
* Brian Houston’s Blog Post: Do I Love Gay People?
* Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality by Jack Rogders on Amazon
* Changing Our Mind by David Gushee on Amazon
Join the conversation:
* Send us a question (or ask it anonymously)
* Kevin on Twitter
* Tim on Twitter
* The film on Twitter
* The film on Facebook