In this video we'll be diving into two more command line tools that can help you compile Sass. They both do a lot more than just compile Sass so they're definitely worth looking in to. But for the purposes of keeping this video short and to the point, we'll just focus on the Sass side of things. Grunt and Gulp are both JavaScript powered build tools. They can be used to compile Sass, start local servers, run linters, automatically add vendor prefixes, inline CSS and much, much more! While both tools do similar things, they work in very different ways behind the scenes. Grunt uses a declarative approach to configuring tasks (for things like compiling CSS). A Gruntfile.js contains a large configuration object that specifies the options for each task - things like where to find the imput Sass files, where to output the compiled CSS and what output style should be used. Gulp uses “streams” and it’s configuration style may look familiar if you work with jQuery code a lot. I’ve used both but now favour Gulp for compiling my Sass predominantly because it uses Node Sass behind the scenes which runs incredibly fast, cutting down development time significantly.