Hello and welcome to Attempting Murder Podcast, a safe space for personal gnosis.
Attempting Murder is lovingly offered to our patron Goddess, The Morrigan and the greater community.
Your hosts are Willow, Raevan and River Monthly Topic: Gnosis “Gnosis” Episode 2, Season 1,
Recording Segments:
1. Personal Reflections - What’s Goin’ On - a Five min segment per just getting folks up to speed.
a. Raevan
b. River
c. Willow
2. Monthly Topic - Gnosis
A. Wrote Paganism/catholic Paganism
B. What Can Go Wrong
C. But Gnosis though
3. Morrigan Moments Personal - Special focus on The Morrigan/Face Time; plans for meditations, offerings, discussions of experiences of the past month.
Links and Resources:
"Why Unverified Personal Gnosis is Good and Necessary" March 14, 2019, Patheos, John Beckett https://www.patheos.com/blogs/johnbeckett/2019/03/upg-why-unverified-personal-gnosis-is-good-and-necessary.html
"The Infinite and The Beyond" Season 1, episode 006: The Spirit of Modern Paganism & episode 007: Paganism and Being Pagan. https://www.infinite-beyond.com/ Christoper Orapello - The Infinite and Beyond - Seasons 1
Áine Órga Warren - Blog http://www.aineorga.com/
"The Dreaded Unverified Personal Gnosis" September 24th 2016, Tyra Ulfdottir https://www.rationalheathen.com/2016/09/24/the-dreaded-unverified-personal-gnosis/
"Why Unverified Personal Gnosis Should Not be Dreaded." April 28th, 2019, The Rational Heathen https://www.rationalheathen.com/2018/04/28/why-unverified-personal-gnosis-should-not-be-dreaded/
Lecture and hands on course in drawing Celtic Knot Work by Patrick Gallagher, Celtic Art, Ltd. at Celtic International Conference: 2000, Milwaukee Wi. http://www.celtart.com/mainindex.html
Celtic Women International https://www.celticwomen.org
"Reckoning with Christianity through a Pagan Lens," Wild Hunt, October 12, 2019. By Luke Babb https://wildhunt.org/2019/10/column-reckoning-with-christianity-through-a-pagan-lens.html
"Overcoming Spiritual Programming: The Journey From Fear To Freedom" Patheos, NOVEMBER 21, 2019, CYNDI BRANNEN https://www.patheos.com/blogs/keepingherkeys/2019/11/spiritual-deprogramming-the-journey-from-fear-to-freedom/
"Sometimes The Gods Take What They Want and Sometimes What They Want Is You," Patheos NOVEMBER 17, 2019 BY JOHN BECKETT https://www.patheos.com/blogs/johnbeckett/2019/11/sometimes-the-gods-take-what-they-want.html
https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1303&context=honors Cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Neopaganism and Witchcraft, Kathryn Gottlieb, University of Maine
http://baringtheaegis.blogspot.com/2012/08/unverified-personal-gnosis.html?m=1 Unverified Personal Gnosis, Mayra Rienties, Baring the Aegis blog
Musical & Artistic Contributors:
Art Lesley Lycan at https://twitter.com/LesleyLycan.
Opening music "Realm of Hope," by Jonathan Segev available at https://soundcloud.com/jonathansegev/realm-of-hope & https://youtu.be/YHbEz1TVrz8
contact: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/jonathansegev Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonathan_jo... Twitter: https://twitter.com/MisterSegev
closing music "Easily," by Johny Grimes available at: Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0
Other Music: Traveler -Alexander Nakarada Music used: Traveler by Alexander Nakarada @ SerpentSound Studios https://soundcloud.com/serpentsoundst... Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Follow us on Twitter at @AttemptingMurd1