So you have watched the movie The Secret and have begun visualizing what you want, but it doesn't seem to work. We will talk about the content from the new DVD with Bob Proctor, called Beyond the Secret. This movie picks up where The Secret left off. We will also talk about how our beliefs factor heavily in creating the life we want and how we can create new beliefs to live a life of abundance -- our birthright. Our special guest is Leslie Flowers, personal growth facilitator. After studying- and partnering with Bob Proctor and Paul Martinelli, Leslie began teaching the principles of success, universal natural and spiritual law, and levels of awareness to groups of business masterminds. With Think & Grow Rich and the principles of success at the core, participants learn and apply Carnegie's principles in solving real-time business challenges. Leslie also trains and mentors personal growth facilitators in business masterminds. Leslie became a certified speaker in 2009 from Gove Speech Workshop and continues her own studies in presentation, coaching and change this year with Paul Martinelli and Les Brown as her mentors. Her studies over the past 15 years have included eastern and western religion, metaphysics, transformational technology, and quantum physics. A Silva Mind Control graduate and Beyond the Secret content expert, Leslie uses Beyond the Secret in personal growth workshops. "What makes the film extraordinary," Leslie says, "is that numerous thought leaders are articulating the same principles, values and laws, but with slightly different perspectives. This allows viewers the ease of connecting with at least one -- and most often more -- teacher, thereby having a quick and sure understanding of the concept right away." Leslie's website is You can reach Leslie at 919 271 4948 or [email protected]. FB=Leslie Flowers lsc, twitter=Leslielsc