human capital management (HCM)
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human capital management (HCM) is concerned with obtaining, analyzing and reporting on data that inform the direction of value-adding people management, strategic, investment and operational decisions at corporate level and at the level of front-line management.
The nature of human capital management
The Accounting for People Task Force report (2003) stated that HCM involves the systematic analysis, measurement and evaluation of how people, policies and practices create value.
The report emphasized that HCM should be regarded as an approach to people management that deals with it as a high-level strategic issue rather than a matter to be left to HR.
However, Wright and McMahan (2011: 102) warned that human capital should not be treated as a form of capital owned and controlled by the firm:
‘To do so would miss the complexity of the construct and continue to ignore the “human” in strategic HRM.’
The defining characteristic of HCM
is the use of metrics to guide an approach to managing people that regards them as assets and emphasizes that competitive advantage is achieved by strategic investments in those assets through employee engagement and retention, talent management and learning and development programmes.
HCM relates HR strategy to business strategy. The concept of HCM is underpinned by the concept of human capital, as explained below.
The concept of human capital
Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills and abilities of the people employed in an organization.
Each individual in the organization has characteristics that comprise human capital. He/she also engages in the processing of information, interpretation and reaction to that information in making choices about how to feel and behave.
The aggregation of human capital, we propose, constitutes the organization or unit’s ‘human capital’.
Human capital constitutes a key element of the market worth of a company. A research study conducted in 2003 by CFO Research Services estimated that the value of human capital represented over 36 % of total revenue in a typical organization.
The constituents of human capital
Human capital consists of intellectual, social and organizational capital.
Intellectual capital
The concept of human capital is associated with the overarching notion of intellectual capital, which is defined as the stocks and flows of knowledge available to an organization. These can be regarded as the intangible resources associated with people, which together with tangible resources (money and physical assets) comprise the market or total value of a business.
Social capital
Social capital is another element of intellectual capital. It consists of the knowledge derived from networks of relationships within and outside the organization.
Social capital has been defined by Putnam (1996) as ‘the features of social life – networks, norms and trust – that enable participants to act together more effectively to pursue shared objectives’.
It is important to take into account social capital considerations, that is, the ways in which knowledge is developed through interaction between people. Bontis (1999) commented that it is flows as well as stocks that matter. Intellectual capital develops and changes over time and a significant part is played in these processes by people acting together.
Organizational capital
Organizational capital is the institutionalized knowledge possessed by an organization that is stored in databases, manuals, etc (Youndt, 2000). It is often called ‘structural capital’ by (Edvinson and Malone, 1997), but the term ‘organizational capital’ is preferred by Youndt because, he argues, it conveys more clearly that this is the knowledge that the org...