Explore the underground with Audio Revolution!. This show investigates the world of unconventional, underrepresented, and underground arts. From Hip Hop to art happenings and video games to spoken word poetry, this Audio Revolution! will get you reconsidering what is art and why it might or might not be important. Let hosts Adrian Andre of Santa Fe Community College and Conor Cole in the Master’s program guide you through the unseen and unappreciated. With interviews of Lisa Donahue of SFAI about Flash Flood and Vince Kadlubek, a founder of Meow Wolf, a spoken word Blessing poem by the Santa Fe Indian School spoken word team as well as pieces about the commericalization of Hip Hop, Video Games as an art form and a special Seeds of Sound rap by Audio Revolution! production team members, there’s no way you won’t be inspired to learn more about what’s just outside of the box… Enjoy!