In this episode; Marlin Nagtegall; Organ Virtuoso, Director of the Beckett School of Music, Director of Music at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, describes his evolving relationship with music after losing his sight.
Authentic Voice Podcast - Podcast host, Gerard Yun, has spent decades pursuing his authentic voice through formal and informal training in academic, community, traditional cultural systems, the internet, and now through this podcast.
I am deeply curious about people and their relationship to music. From most measures of modern success pursuing music makes no sense: or does it? Looking back I see that the most influential teachers weren’t necessarily the greatest performers, published scholars or great conductors and composers. The world considers these people to be “experts.” And over the past decades, I have attended countless professional performances, concerts, recitals, masterclasses, lectures, symposiums, and conferences to access their expertise and wisdom. I have studied with many of them and yes, I have found great wisdom and guidance. Somehow, I always knew I was getting only a small bit of the whole picture. I realized some of my most important influences were those who found their authentic expression through, or in spite of, their social contexts, class, race, nationality, faith, or profession -- amazing musicians hidden in unlikely places. Their stories, wisdom, and advice is always given generously. Authentic Voice makes it available to anyone seeking their authentic voice or a better relationship to their music.