In this insightful episode of Band Director Boot Camp, your host, Lesley Moffat, welcomes the accomplished Erin Keaton-Howard, founder of the Formation Wind Band, composer, music educator, and conductor. Together, they delve into the profound topic of authenticity and its impact on a band director's career longevity and personal well-being.Erin emphasizes that authenticity involves showing up genuinely as oneself in both professional and personal spaces without conforming to stereotypes or perceived norms. It's a journey of self-discovery that can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable career.They explore various aspects of authenticity, including identity, physical appearance, abilities, demeanor, and professional integrity. Erin shares personal anecdotes and insights into how being authentic can positively influence students and colleagues. She encourages band directors to embrace their unique qualities and leadership styles, fostering trust and connection with students.Furthermore, Erin discusses her upcoming book, "Women in Wind Band" co-authored with Megan Wagner, which sheds light on the experiences and challenges faced by women in the music education field. The book provides valuable insights into creating more inclusive and authentic environments within music education.As the episode concludes, Lesley reminds listeners that authenticity is not only a path to personal growth but also a way to model healthy boundaries and empathy in their professional lives.Tune in to discover how authenticity can enhance your career as a band director, promote well-being, and positively impact the lives of your students.Bio ( Wind Band - Home