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Host: Magnus Hedemark
Background sound:
- "Atlantic Ocean Waves" by tim.kahn
Show notes:
- Most of my jobs were short-lived because the constraints were insufferable.
- I had one job where I lasted 5 years, mostly because I was entirely neglected.
- Neurotypical notions of how to manage people undermined the benefits of how my autistic brain works.
- Unplanned, urgent, but ultimately unimportant work regularly derails progress on the really important, strategic work.
- These distractions keep my autistic brain from ever getting up to speed.
- There are aspects of working with someone like me that can be like surfing, like catching the perfect wave. You can't summon the wave. And you have to respect the natural cycles of the ocean to benefit from its strengths.
- Slow down. Make room in the conversation for others. Make room in the conversation for digestion.