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Learn and take massive action to be Awesome! We're two brother based out of NJ building several businesses in real estate, ecommerce, and personal development! We come from NOTHING, from almost being ... more
FAQs about Awesome Bros:How many episodes does Awesome Bros have?The podcast currently has 57 episodes available.
December 06, 2020WHY YOU NEED TO CREATE CONTENTContent creation is AWESOME! Creating a personal brand to promote your business, ideas, and thoughts are the things that will move us forward. Creating content allows us to utilize our creative forces of energy and live a life that's more true to......more18minPlay
November 27, 2020THE PATH TO CREATE ASSETSIn this episode we break EXACTLY how to optimize your finances and your life to create assets. The reason why we want to create assets is so we can supplemental and eventually replace our income with assets that pay us instead of working to buy......more17minPlay
November 19, 2020HOW TO ELIMINATE YOUR COMFORT ZONEYour comfort zone is holding you back! Life's greatest blessings, achievements, and relationships are created through uncomfortable environments that allow us to grow, flourish and thrive! In this episode we discuss why this is SO important, how to......more13minPlay
November 06, 2020HOW TO MANAGE YOUR MONEY w/ SHAY BUDGETSThis week we learn from Youtube Star Shay Budgets as she explains how her and her husband became debt free by managing their finances. Learn how to budget accordingly, save money, and keep on track with your financial goals. Shay shares her WHY - which......more35minPlay
October 23, 2020Q AND A WITH THE BROSJoin us for a Q and A session podcast. We discuss some really commonly asked questions for everyone to quickly learn about a few topics. If you have a question, please reach out. We will be making more of these. Hope you enjoy these relaxed but golden......more23minPlay
October 16, 2020DO THESE 4 THINGS TO BE AWESOMEThis week we share 4 practical tips to be awesome! Do these 4 things to get the most out of your days, to be intentional about how you live your life and to create the life you want to live! These 4 tips are things that the most successful people do! We......more10minPlay
October 10, 2020YOUR PROBLEMS SOLVEDLet's talk about how to be a problem solver and what that means for you in your everyday life. This is concept is SO important and it allows you to think about life differently, in a way that serves you and those around you MUCH better. Tune in to this......more13minPlay
September 25, 2020WHO WE AREWho are the Awesome Bros and why are we talking to you? We're telling you guys about who we are and where we come from. This episode is super causual and we share all the details with you guys. Awesome Bros is SO important to us and we want to do......more14minPlay
September 18, 2020HOW TO STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHER PEOPLEWhy is comparison so toxic? Tune in to this week's episode to understand why constant comparison to other people is hurting you so much. It's imperative that we learn how to stop this bad habit to create a more awesome life. Learn the tips and tricks to......more10minPlay
September 04, 2020BREAKDOWN OF ASSETS V. LIABILITIESEver wondered how to classify an asset and a liability?According to Business.comAssets add value to your company and increase your company's equity, while liabilities decrease your company's value and equity. The more your assets outweigh your......more8minPlay
FAQs about Awesome Bros:How many episodes does Awesome Bros have?The podcast currently has 57 episodes available.