Transcript: I was chatting recently with one of my good friends. He said to me “ why are you trusting everyone”? I said, “why not:)?”
I explained to him how my trust cycle works.
I trust everyone 100 percent, in the beginning. Then based on our relationship either we can be a casual friend or we can take it to the next level. At the next level, we might do work together, we can help each other to grow our business or we can keep chatting randomly about anything.
I asked him how’s your trust cycle works. He said, “I gave everyone 0 out of 100 in the beginning, not like you 100 out 100.
I said that’s an option too. But, you do eliminate a lot of opportunities that are going to happen in the beginning. I think trust is an important currency in the relationship. Start sharing, in the beginning, is going to open a lot of doors to you.