It’s time to take a ride down Audio Avenue!! This is where we give you the best audio clips of the day for you to of our favorites is the Biden Bicycle Blunder.
Here’s a rundown of today's clips...
Today we have a Really great Father's Day Sports moment that went down yesterday.
It all happened when Buddy Kennedy of the Arizona Diamondbacks hit his very first home run in a major league game, and his dad just so happened to be up in the stands.
Just like you would imagine, he was going nuts. You gotta hear how proud dad was about it in a post-game interview...
President Biden makes another blunder.
Our economy isn't the only thing taking a nosedive. The president fell off his bicycle Saturday morning during a weekend bike ride at his
Delaware beach vacation home.
The President was instantly surrounded by his
Secret Service agents who rushed to help him to his feet. The President says
that his sneaker got caught on one of his pedals causing him to topple over.
Lost Sesame Street Scene:
A "Sesame Street' episode from 1976 that was lost has made its way online. It was
removed for being too "scary" for kids because it includes the Wicked Witch of the West from "The Wizard of Oz".
This witch has horrified me since childhood so I totally understand the concern. To be honest that witch still freaks me out.
The scene in question is of the witch trying to get her flying broom back from some guy on the sidewalk…
Amazon Delivery gone wrong:
Finally, we have audio of the Woman who Found a Vial of Blood in her Amazon Order.
This is by far the creepiest sound clip of the day. A woman ordered a chair on Amazon and
received a vial of blood she never asked for with it.
Her name is Jen Begakis on TikTok,
And in The video, she reveals that the blood which was sent to her wasn’t something she ordered…
Audio Avenue Biden Bicycle
Audio Avenue Biden Bicycle