Welcome to BAD Tabletop Gaming - Join Bill, Armin, Andy and Dan on there adventures through Warhammer 40k and the Horus Heresy.
Here is Episode 14 - World Eaters Overview. We enter the Arena of battle the Red Sands with James one of our local 30k players and LVO goers. We go into detail about the Legion, the Primarch Angron and Jame's experience with the Legions units and rules.
BAD TABLETOP GAMING PODCAST is our new series for us to chat about anything and everything 30k, 40k and just plain gaming in general.
Are there questions you want to ask us about Tactics? List building? Lore? write us at [email protected] and we will answer your questions next episode!
We are proud to announce a sponsorship from Hammerhead Games!
Tony has great products from army trays to objective markers and more. You can see a sample of his available products in our battle reports. You can contact and order "BAD" merch you see featured here at:
*simply pick the product you want and let them know you want the "BAD Tabletop Gaming" logo and they will take care of the rest. Army trays, Objective markers, movement templates, ect
We are proud to announce a sponsorship from Pop goes the Monkey!
Matt always has top notch upgrades and add ons to use for your collection! Check out his page at:
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Don't forget to check out our MERCH STORE! T-shirts, Hoodies, Mugs and more featured on our Videos
THANK YOU for all the support!