It's an honor to share Natalie Vartanian with you as this week's Bare Naked Radio guest!
As so many others can relate to, Natalie was fully invested into the American Dream: she got the degree, the good job, the amazing fiance, the beautiful house -- and on paper it looked like she had it ALL.
But, instead of being happy & content, something felt off. Her soul didn't feel free...
Most people ignore the subtle longings, tell themselves they are crazy, and try to make it work. (Most people also go to their deathbeds wishing they had lived a life true to themselves)
But, not Natalie. She got the wake-up call early on & took action that some might even call a little "crazy." But, she is living on purpose, in alignment and an inspiration to what it means to answer the call.
Tune in to hear about how she ended up living location-free and started writing her risque book about personal sexuality.
Natalie Vartanian is a certified life coach, relationship expert, business strategist, writer, speaker/teacher, and all around provocateur. Her biggest goal is for people to create life their way, in whatever way turns them on. Natalie is working on self publishing her first book about her sexual escapades and revolutions, slated to be released end of 2018.
Connect with Natalie
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Until next time, stay awesome. And dare greatly enough to get soul naked, letting the truth of who you become fully expressed!