Welcome to Rethink Your Business Podcast with Dave Hall
Experts in Customized Business (Life) Planning and Implementation
13: Modernprenuer: Makers and Creators of the Business World
Craig Carpenter owner of Modernpreneur.com. Modernpreneur is a platform dedicated to entrepreneurs interested in building a better life for themselves and those they care about most. Craig is a creative entrepreneur with skills in photography, 3D Animation, Music Production, Branding and much more. He is helping others reach their goals through modern strategies. And don't let him fool you, but he has a little inventor in him also.
His fascination with art and entrepreneurship began at an early age and evolved into a diverse Fine Arts degree. Described by most as a true Renaissance man, Craig has been fortunate enough to work with clientele including Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, and the most successful brands and individuals.
Show Details:
In episode 13, Dave talks with Craig Carpenter a creative professional who has taken on makers and creators in his podcast Modernpreneur.com. Craig speaks with Dave about his journey through his successful photography business that was location based, a musician contract that ended all too soon and his creative animation side. Craig also talked about coming up with a business name as a research freak and the challenges that come along with it. Craig talks about the 2 things that set him apart from other podcasts and the dangers of overthinking.
"It's easier to steer a moving car"
Craig continued to share the details about business ideas 5-10 years ago compared to today and the communities and connections that come with collaborating -you don't have to do it alone anymore. He also shares the 1 thing that has impacted him on his journey selling creative services.
Craig clears up what internet marketing business really means by adding true value with business. Caring about your customers and finding a way to improve their lives by finding their pain point and helping them improve.
"You can have everything you want in life. If you will help other people get what they want" -Zig Ziglar
Craig continued to talk about turning his podcast into a money making business along with positioning yourself to be an authority on a topic and connecting with the right people. How do you make money podcasting? Craig shares 3 things that will help you see what is possible in podcasting. In closing Craig shares what keeps him motivated during the down times and how he remembers his kudos.
Episode Links:
For more about Craig Carpenter visit: www.Modernpreneur.com
LinkedIn: HERE
Criag on Twitter: @thecitizencraig
Bustaname: HERE
impossibility: HERE
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