You are Parents of the British child (under 18 years old) and want to apply for UK Visa. Your ambitions are to bring your child to the UK to give him quality education, accommodation and free health care so that you can no longer suffer with insecurity of safety and financial matters. You may be struggling with your work as you have no time to work, you may be struggling with completing your English Language Test as there will be no alternative, or potentially you may be worried that you have no sponsorship in the UK to send you invitation. The good news is that for such application as Parents Of British Child you do not need any of the above as there will be human rights involved in such applications and it is simple and easy to apply and less costs effective. However, you have to put forward the rights factual statement and legal grounds as well as the relevant and supportive drafts from different institution to support your application and give your application a credible effect. I have 3 steps system to support such applications i.e. Factual statement, Legal Grounds and Drafts . With these steps you can have good chances of success. Further consultation on [email protected] or urgent enquiries on 00447870959175 (Whats App) by text. If you want to talk to me schedule your call on