Brian DeMarco is the cofounder of Primal 7, Draftr, and Draftr Media, and is also a retired pro NFL player.
In a nutshell, Brian says he played in the NFL way too long. He played "four years for Jacksonville and two and a half with Cincinnati before they broke me—literally. I was actually broken going into my last hit, which caused me to have 17 spinal fractures and an avulsion fracture of my hip. My lower lumbar crushed like a cookie. You could imagine doing a reverse toe touch… the back of my head hit my heels, hit from behind, hit in the front. It was over.
"I lost 90% of the function of my right leg, so I was completely disabled. In fact, my hips rotted through the flesh on both sides. I had these gaping holes on my sides. I was wearing wound vacuums, trying to keep my legs from going gangrenous. My wife was caring for me 24 hours a day even with our kids. It was truly a mess. I was dying in every way a man can be dying-- physically, financially, and spiritually. I was just gone."
Watch this episode to hear the full story of Brian's comeback for the ages. You will be blown away by how he leaned on God and his amazing wife to re-write the second half of his story!
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***Support his family in his son's fight against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ---
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