Tony and Jaz look at the Art of Drag and talk to some of the scenes most fabulous performers. Special Guests including; the busiest Hostess in Brisbane, Vollie LaVont, 'Scartlet - Search for the Next Drag Superstar' Winner 2021, Cimson Coco, outrageous Comedy Queen Anya Bike, Drag Daddy Lord Severus and Melbourne Drag Disruptor, Ruby Slippers. Hear how they came to be the incredible performance artist they are today in a deluxe episode of Bay FM's Rainbow Conversations.
Crimson Coco - Instagram @crimsoncoco_
Boy & Girl - Brisbane Powerhouse 19th-28th August
Ruby Slippers - Instagram @rubyslippers
Now Serving Snacks - Instagram @nowservingsnacks
Anya Bike - Instagram @anya_bike
Shandy Olympics - The Tivoli August 10th 2021
Lord Severus - Instagram @draglordsev
Shandy + The Stitchery Collective - The Tivoli 24th September 2021
Vollie LaVont - Facebook @VollieLaVont
Hey Felicia! A Drag Dine and Musical -
Brisbane Pride Festival - Spetember 2nd-30th
Out and Proud Festival - August 21st 2021