My podcast strategy is to interview various Business Catalyst Partners who are willing to share their experiences with specific areas of their business. Marketing is a great place to start. After having a few conversations with Stephanie I knew she would be the perfect Business Catalyst Partner to interview about the subject. In this month’s podcast, Dave Haggblad and I start out by discussing the January 2015 system update, including date filters, partner-to-partner site transfers, and web app improvements. Then, Stephanie Campanella from Summit Web Design and Tradies Get Online speaks to me about the advantages of Niche Marketing. Tune in for Episode 42 of the Business Catalyst podcast! Listen to this month’s podcast: Simply click the play button below to stream the podcast via your browser. player AudioPlayer.embed("player-nov132", {soundFile: "", noinfo: "yes" }); Alternatively, you can download the podcast in .mp3 format for offline listening. In this episode: Scott and Dave Haggblad talk about recent system update Interview with Stephanie about Niche Marketing Business Catalyst Quiz Question It’s amazing what you can learn when you simply ask (and listen). Stephanie had a lot to share about Niche Marketing. Here are my favorite quotes from the interview: “It won't shrink the business, it will make it bigger” The idea of limiting your customers to a specific type may seem counter-intuitive, but Stephanie makes some powerful arguments on why it can grow your business. “There are a hundred different electricians and they have different strengths.” It’s important to realize that even in Niche Marketing customers can be similar but they not the same. Knowing your industry saves a significant amount to time on research, but you still need to know your client’s business goals and their strengths. And, as Stephanie points out in the interview, making a deep dive into your customer’s business allows for better long tail keywords. Stephanie uses as much Business Catalyst for her own company as she can, including the entire CRM. She also uses the built-in reporting tool to make intelligent decisions in her marketing, like when to schedule email campaigns. “It’s really about picking the right time to send it to the right audience. And, and the more niche you are the stronger connection to your audience you get, therefore the better data you get." According to Stephanie, another reason to use Business Catalyst in your own company is that it shows that she's committed to the platform, even for her own site. There's nothing more important than your clients knowing they can trust you. It was a blast interviewing Stephanie, and I can't wait for my next interview. Scott B Reynolds