Doctor Niti Solomon, MD, ABIHM (American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine) is a double board-certified medical doctor in Pediatrics and Integrative Holistic Medicine for over 27 years. She has OVER 5,000 success stories in reversing chronic diseases (such as… reflux, cognitive disorder, weight issues, etc.) to maximize lifestyles and optimize her patients’ health and well-being.
Part of her motivation is that she overcame chronic diseases herself, and as a result became an expert in Lifestyle Medicine. She has designed the AWE-some Program, which has astoundingly assisted numerous patients. Her book Project L.O.V.E. (Lifestyle Optimization Victoriously Established) is one of the most comprehensive guides for Lifestyle Optimization. Dr. Niti shares her passion at a new AWE-some Life Facebook group and online course to assist people in optimizing lifestyles with ease.
She shares her powerful program in her book Project L.OV.E. (Lifestyle Optimization Victoriously Established), which is available on and she has her up-and-coming book, NAKED HEALTH, In pre-launch to be released: December 12th, 2024.
I was super excited to get to work with Dr. Niti and get to know her and her story in the book anthology: “The Essence of a Woman: Unleash the Feminine Soul” which came out in October of 2024.
Dr. Niti’s passion and purpose is for YOU to achieve your desired goals with grace and ease. She is considered a World Vitality Expert. Welcome Niti Solomon, MD.
In this session we will discuss:
· What are some of your experiences and struggles with chronic disease that inspired you to develop your AWE-some Program and write your first book, Project L.O.V.E. (Lifestyle Optimization Victoriously Established), which was released in 2018.
· Lessons learned from working with children and their parents—how to talk to children about what is important to them, how to inspire them toward better health, how to make it easy for change so children embrace it, and parents can easily support it.
· What was your motivation or vision in being part of the anthology book, “The Essence of a Woman: Unleash the Feminine Soul?”
· Your work as a World Vitality Expert is intriguing. What are some tips or guidance you can give our listening audience?
· You talk about both the masculine and the feminine divine energy in your work. Can you talk a little more about that?
· Can you share with us about your upcoming book: Naked Health and what readers can expect from that book?
You can reach Dr. Niti at
You can order your book, The Essence of a Woman: Unleash the Feminine Soul on Amazon or through any of the authors in the book