Susan Cottrell is a prominent voice for faith parents of LGBTQIA+ kids. We chat about our least favorite expression: Love the sinner. Hate the sin.
That message is equivalent to an insincere apology, and the only message received is HATE.
We talk about alternatives for parents and also deep down what that expression really means. "I love you, but I don't understand you."
This is an episode for parents of LGBTQIA+ youth and also for anyone who wants to show true love to a gay family member or friend.
For more info:
Susan Cottrell, the prominent voice for faith parents of LGBTQI children, was featured on ABC's 20/20, Nightline and Good Morning America, on NBC News Out, on The Advocate Magazine’s National Coming Out Day videos, on The Advocate’s Out in Left Field with Dana Goldberg, and as a devotional contributor on the Our Bible app.
She is an international speaker, author, and consultant. Through her nonprofit organization—FreedHearts—Susan champions the LGBTQI community and families with her authenticity and tender-hearted zeal. She challenges Christians to love as the foundation of faith. She spent 25 years in the non-affirming Evangelical church, is the Founder and President of FreedHearts, has a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, and served as the Vice-President of PFLAG Austin (Texas). Her books “Mom, I’m Gay”—Loving Your LGBTQ Child and Strengthening Your Faith, True Colors - Celebrating the Truth and Beauty of the Real You, Radically Included - The Biblical Case for Radical Love and Inclusion, and the soon-to-be-released Be Love - What the World Needs Now, and My Coffee with the Pastor: Building the Vision for Lavish Christlike Inclusion, are endorsed by The Human Rights Campaign, PFLAG, The Gay Christian Network and many others. She and her husband Rob have been married for 30 years, have five children, two of whom are in the LGBTQI community, and live in Austin, Texas.