Back in the day, people would wake up with the sun in the morning and go to bed when the sun sets. So what changed? Our culture is now focused on being the most productive, the most efficient and completely focused on getting the most out of each and every day. Should we just go along with our culture? Or is there a different way to live — a better way to live? We believe there is and in short, we like to call it (thanks to author John Mark Comer), "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry." It is the way of living where we take time to rest, not be lazy, but to truly rest our soul. To not mindlessly hurry through our days but to be slow and take each day, each hour, each moment as they come. Let's help others by discussing Slowness & Rest and learning how we can incorporate this way of living into our lives as it impacts ourselves and the lives of others.