Malin discusses "What we FOCUS on Expands"
Whatever you focus on, expands is such a simple, easy and truthful idea.
Think about it. When you are thinking about getting a new car, you start noticing that car everywhere you go. So why is it so hard for most of us to get this simple concept? If we want love, abundance and wellness, why not focus on love, abundance and wellness? Our minds are so trained to think and talk about the problems of the world that breaking that habit becomes tough. When telling your story always talk and focus on the stuff you want to show up, not the stuff you don't want to show up.
There are so many good things in our lives -- way more good things than bad -- but all we talk about and worry about are all the problems. We must stop torturing ourselves and start talking about the good stuff and ignore the bad. We may just notice miracles popping up everywhere. It is a proven thing, thoughts and words are energy.
"Be Ye Pumped" is an Anthem for the Strong. We need to be Challenging ourselves daily. Setting Goals, Creating and seeking progress. Faith, Covenants and Progress is the mindset for "Be Ye Pumped". BYP will help you stay focused as you achieve goals. Mindset, Inspiration, Talents, action, focused, driven, Faith, Covenants, Progress BYP Mindset Gear: