Hello and welcome into the world of growth and opportunity as has never been experienced in the business world before. Never, has the solo professional had a more amazing horizon than he/she does this very day.
Right here at BYOB, we’re going to be exploring, not only what those horizons are, but how to put you in the middle of reaping the rewards. professionally, financially, and personally.
My name is ken miller and I’m your host and curator for this podcast adventure I call Be Your own Brand or BYOB for a handy acronym.
As explained last session I pointed the direction/focus of byob toward the musicians who would aspire to thrive and not merely survive. So if getting in tune with your future and connecting to the opportunities that await you, right here is where you need to be. And I’m glad you are!
Sales and marketing can seem overwhelming and today’s landscape even more so. However, I can assure you the heavy hitters in this industry are into S &M big time or they ain’t gonna be heavy hitters no more.
Your efforts in the S&M arena are not to just get the next gig. It is designed to get you the gigs you want and can excel at. Last podcast episode rolled out the terms “inbound and outbound” marketing. This episode we’ll take a look at what those terms mean and what to do about it. In nutshell inbound is getting business to come to you and outbound is winking in the dark, you know what you’re doing but no one else does. Or at least the people you want to know what you do.
Marketing is for a musician the only way to get attention to what you do. Just a few years ago, one YT video would do the trick, now there are thousands every day, so drowning in other musicians' project is what happens today, not only on YouTube, it is the same everywhere.
Check out the entire episode: https://kenmillerconsults.com/category/byob/