Thank you so much for tuning into todays podcast. In this episode I walked us through writing a letter to our future self.
I love tis Manifest practice e because it allows you to get all of your intentions on paper. Even ones that you didn't even know you had. Writing this letter can can done on a device as well. I personally did mine with paper and pen.
Letter to Your Future Self;
Before you sit down to write (or type ) do something that puts you in good spirits. Dance, sing, read, watch something funny. Whatever it is that is going to but in in a great mood before your writing.
2. Set the Intention ( Optional )
Personally I love to place items around my writing around that represent the things I want to manifest ex. flowers, candles, crystals
This creates and enhance my mood for my manifest.
Who are you writing this letter to. I choose to write this letter to my passed self as my future self. I spoke abou all Of the things i have achieved and the beautiful life I live.
You can I also write this letter to a future friend, family member, spouse, ect
Tip; Keep your letter positive. No "I haven't' or anything that alludes to anything negative in your life. Write this letter as it is already yours. Claim this letter as your life.
This is yours. It has been done. Everything that you have written done has been written into your life. Take the feeling it beings and live that feeling everyday. When you are done don't refer to the outcome of this letter. Remember the finally the life that you live brings.
Have a beautiful day because it is a Beautiful day! Keep manifesting!