Welcome to the very first episode of the Beauty and Her Biz Podcast! I am so excited to officially launch as this has been a dream of mine for SO LONG! While I have been podcasting with my biz partner and biz bestie, Jenny Suneson, on the Uplevel Your Biz podcast for the past year and a half, I am excited to jump into the world of solo podcasting!
In this kick off episode, I am going to share my thoughts on if you truly need a website in 2020. Spoiler alert. The answer is absolutely yes! Take a listen to find out why I believe a website is essential for your business.
In This Episode:
- [0:56] My goal of this podcast is to share all of the knowledge and takeaways I’ve learned from the past 20 years of being in the online space.
- [1:07] The story of how I got into the space and taught myself to code at just 11 years old.
- [3:20] Do you even need a website in 2020?
- [3:30] You don’t own social media and you have to play by their rules.
- [4:40] A website goes a long way for credibility and people expect you to have one.
- [5:23] A website saves you time by being your business hub.
- [6:11] You can track all of the traffic that comes to your website so that you can retarget later.
- [7:51] Your website is your 24/7 sales assistant.
- [8:40] SEO, aka Search Engine Optimization.
- [11:32] You don’t need a huge, built out website if you are just starting out, but a simple one page website can do wonders for you and your credibility
Links Mentioned:
- Uplevel Your Biz Podcast: https://www.uplevelyourbiz.com/listen
- ConvertKit (my favorite email marketing tool): https://www.lindseyaleson.com/convertkit
- ClickUp (my favorite project management tool): https://www.lindseyaleson.com/clickup
- WordPress Success Free Guide: https://www.lindseyaleson.com/wpsuccess
Connect with Me on Social Media:
- Facebook Group – The Lovely Entrepreneur Society: https://www.thelovelyentrepreneursociety.com
- Instagram: @lindseyaleson
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