After two years of being cooped up inside our homes, travel restrictions are slowly being lifted locally and internationally. Someone even coined a social media buzzword called revenge travel, not getting revenge on someone who has hurt you but taking revenge on the pandemic. But as Filipinos, we have a higher calling and higher reasons why we should go out and travel again, especially to local tourist destinations. And that is our patriotic duty.
Our exceptional guest, Atty Anthonette Velasco-Allones, CEO of the Tourism Promotions Board of the Department of Tourism, will further explain traveling as our patriotic duty. We can be local ambassadors by inviting our family and friends to go out and travel again. You don’t need to ride a plane or a ship to do that! Biking and motorcycle riding can be ways of traveling, too!
Tune in to this episode as we discuss the many benefits of traveling - benefits for yourself, the local communities, and our country. May this episode inspire you to travel, heal, learn, take care of yourself and the environment, and most of all, become better.