Don't you hate it when a guy only texts you in the night time or when he wants to get physical. He might have taken you on dates in the beginning but after you hooked up that all stopped. Are you worried that he doesn't want anything more than just a friend's with benefits. Well if this all sounds too familiar then this is the episode for you! Tune in and find out how to stop him from viewing you as only a hook up!
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Instagram: Imadspeaks or @becominghighcaliber
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—> First 50 people to review will get a FREE 15-minute session with me to create a blueprint for your dating life! <—
More Info:
Intro song: Amber Glow By Scott Holmes
Outro song: Love Yourself By AlexisOrtizofield
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If you are struggling in your dating life and want to know these 3 things
1. What’s working in your love life?
2. What’s not working in your love life?
3. Where do you want to be in your love life?
Then let’s hope on a call and figure them out together, but be warned, I can be very blunt so if you can handle it then click the link below!
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