Bizz chats with Guiscela about wasting water and the differences she sees with water usage in Canada vs Mexico.
Tips to reduce water usage:
- Turn tap off while brushing teeth
Turn on only the hot water while waiting to heat and start using as soon as it warms upWater lawn before sunrise or after sunsetChange lawn from grass to garden to grow food, or to something that doesn't require wateringShop less and/or shop second-hand (manufacturing requires water, too!)Use concentrated cleansers and drink flavoursCheck for leaks and running toiletsGet/make a rain barrelShower less often/shorter showers/skip the hair every other timeLow flow toilets and shower headsUse a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalksReuse clean wastewater for plants- Water isn't just used by using water directly, not just the water we see
CookingWater lawn/gardenShower/bathIndirect uses:Raise animalsMaterials for buildingMaterials for clothingIndustrial use- Make pretty much everything we use
About 1,800 gallons of water are needed to produce the cotton in a pair jeansProcessing materials such as paper and steelEnergyDuring a water shortage, often it's the individuals who are restricted, while large corporations can continue using as much as they want to produce non-essential products.Glaciers are receding - this is our water reserve!Lakes shrinkingOil spills can also affect water availability, and this can happen very quicklyDonate to support waste reduction at or on Patreon
Music by Vita Chino (@vitachino on Instagram, or find them on Spotify)