BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1540 Before 2024 Goals – Questions #7

12.29.2023 - By Pamela Crim | Daily Devotional for WomenPlay

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Today, we ask the final question before we begin writing our goals for the New Year. Remember, if you want God-inspired goals, you have to invite God into the process, ask him questions, then listen for his answers. Each episode this week, we’ve spent time doing exactly that. So far, we’ve asked 6 questions to open the flow of the Holy Spirit to prompt us in writing our goals. But, we’ve saved the best for last!

Today, we dream! But, we don’t dream alone, we dream with God Almighty!

Question #7 to ask God before writing 2024 goals: God, what awesome things can we do together?

Ephesians 3:20 TPT, “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.”

14 years ago I read a book that radically changed my perspective on life. The book is titled “A Million Miles In a Thousand Years” by Donald Miller. Strangely enough, it’s a book about a writer writing a book. He says, “a good storyteller doesn’t just tell a better story – they invite other people into the story, giving them a better story too.” Wow. Isn’t God the perfect storyteller? He tells the greatest story every told, but it’s not just for us to hear, it’s for us to jump into, be in the middle of, and within his story, give us a better story.

Think about this: God created the entire universe in all of its mystery and majesty, then he invited you to come create with him. The divine creator gave you the ability to create too! You can create something. You can build something. You can grow something. You can change something. You can direct something. You can impact something. But get this, not only CAN you do this, but God DESIRES you do this!

Accept your divine invitation to do awesome things with God in 2024!

What could it be? Well, Sis, go ahead and dream your wildest dreams. No, bigger. Still bigger. And God says, “Yes, but even better!”

God is not against you. Oh, the enemy wants you to believe God is the gray bearded old guy on a throne with angry eyebrows and a big stick just waiting to strike you over the head, but that’s not our God! That’s Satan’s version of God. That’s the unapproachable, untouchable, unloving God dreamed up in the pits of Hell. Our God, the true God, sends angels to fight for us, he extends his hand to guide us, and he covers us with unending mercy and grace through the redeeming blood of his son Jesus.

Please, please, please know this. When God created you, he didn’t say, “Gosh, I hope she will just settle for a little life.” Honey, that’s not the purpose for your lifetime. You’re not here to “just get through this” and make it to Heaven. No! Think about how Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” God wants his kingdom to come and his will to be done here on Earth, and how it comes is through YOU! You carry Heaven within you, and you are here to partner with God in bringing Heaven and his will to his people here.

Being on a mission to bring a piece of Heaven to Earth requires you to be energized! And that’s really perfect because let’s go back to Ephesians 3:20 in the Passion Translation again and it says, “his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” You don’t have to manufacture this energy on your own, that’s exhausting!

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