Behind The Black Veil hosted by Nemesis is a weekly radio show. The show is on air every Sunday midnight from 00:00 to 01:00 (CET) on In Progress Radio. Bring you the finest in underground music and also features a special guest mix every month.
Adriatique, Delhia De France - The Future Is Unknown (Original Mix) [X Recordings]
Zafer Atabey - Visions (Original Mix) [EXTVISIONS]
Atóm (IE) - Follow Your Curiosity (Original Mix) [Be Free Recordings]
Paul Thomas, Miss Monique - The Morning After (Original Mix) [Armada Music]
Anyma, 070 Shake - Black Dress (Anyma Extended Remix) [Getting Out Our Dreams Inc.]
Solee - Krake (Original Mix) [Future Romance]
Ed Lopes, JØNNY - The Future (Extended Mix) [Panda Lab Records]
N3UX - Solar (Extended Mix) [Ultimo Paradiso]
Joe Mattei - Liberation (Original Mix) [UGENIUS]
Wurtz, Iberian Muse - The Guardian (Original Mix) [KOMBUST Records]
Alfa Romero - Odyssey (Original Mix) [Afterlife Records]
Ivory (IT), Filippo Nardini - Could You Feel The Love? (Original Mix) [Innervisions]
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