Welcome back to our 3-part Back to School with Scoliosis Series! Today Dr. Mandy hones in on the success tip of consistency. Consistency is key, especially for kids that are wearing a brace for scoliosis. When life gets busy with school and sports practices, it is more challenging to continue to wear your brace consistently like you did over the summer. Don’t lose hope! Tune in to learn our top tips for Back to School with Scoliosis – Consistency.
Tips for better scoliosis care consistency from this episode:
Pay attention to how your weeks are going and be honest with your Provider.Identify how long you have been wearing your brace each day by referring to the Wear Report. Slowly ease into a consistent schedule of wearing your brace again so you don’t add more stress to your system.Be honest with yourself about how busy you are and the reality of where your consistency level is. Document your brace wearing schedule by using a calendar app or paper calendar so you can visually SEE it. Thanks for listening to this episode. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to get this show on your device each week.
Connect with us for more scoliosis resources. This show is produced by RAYMA Team Media.
The post 37: Back to School with Scoliosis – Consistency appeared first on Behind The Brace Podcast with Dr. Mandy Dietz.